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RE: The dangerous growing divide between those who vaccinate and those who don't

in #vaccines8 years ago

I am actually a non vaccinated child. I really enjoyed reading this because it is a tough subject. I remember when I was young my mom really had struggles and a lot of judgement with this. I remember one time there were even some parents when they found out I was not getting my grade 5 vaccines would be angry and not want their kids to hang out with me. Everyone in the school lined up and I didn't, I was so little I didn't know what to say to anyone...

So I did get a few when I was a baby, but what happened was my mom asked the doctor what was in it exactly and no one could tell her. Like... no one knew! They could not tell her what they were putting into her kid, a vaccine sure...but what was it? So she told them not to do it and that is how it started for her.

I am now 31, alive, healthy and in a lot of ways healthier then the average person. I rarely get sick, when everyone gets the flu I don't. I couldn't tell you if that is directly because of the vaccine situation though but it is interesting.

Thanks again for the interesting post! Def up voted and followed :)
