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in #vaccines7 years ago

Antje. I don't know if you are a troll, or what, but I do not think vaccines are safe and agree that the pharmaceutical industry is engaged in child abuse. If you had watched the content you could have afforded yourself that understanding. If you continue spamming my threads and insulting my commenters I will have to flag you. This is your warning.


Yeah, maybe I'm the worst troll you've ever met in your life! I've got magic powers, you know! ;)

You are lying as I have elaborated already. You are pro-vaccine, but only voluntary. So just a disguised way of recommending vaccines. And well, if you WERE real, you wouldn't oppose me and threaten me in the first place.

I haven't flagged you, somebody else did it already for me. And don't EVER tell ME what to do on Steemit and what not to do or write. And don't even threaten me, because I don't care. THIS POST and ALL THE COMMENTS ON IT ARE ON THE BLOGCHAIN AND CANNOT BE DELETED! My account can also not be deleted. Magic, isn't it?

Just goes to show how much in bed you are with the vaccine pushers if you think I'm spamming. Well, let me tell you, I've already posted this on Facebook and sent the links to people who are most interested in your doing.

And as long as you reply to my comments and threaten me, I will say:


Head Troll and Internet Witch to the Crowned Heads of Europe

You have no idea what you are talking about.
Please stop this harassment.
@kafkanarchy84 (Graham) is one of the STRONGEST voices here on Steemit about the corruption in the vaccine industry.
His child is completely unvaccinated, as are my three children.
He did an interview with me several months back on this topic.

He has been trying to get a pro-vaccine person to do a debate for many months now,
and NOBODY would step up. Probably because they don't have the facts or truth on their side.
So FINALLY a pro-vaccine person stepped up to a debate.
The headline here is the subject of the debate.
Graham argued in the negative.
Many of the people whose comments you are spamming here are also against vaccines.
Your comments do not make any sense.

some battles are not worth fighting! keep your energy for something more productive.. ;-) we know the truth!

You are mistaken. kafkanarchy84 is one of the more ardent defenders of self ownership, including the right to choose NOT to vaccinate, on Steemit.

You have been asked to calm down, nicely.

I have unfollowed and muted you for being irrational.

Good luck.

I am not "pro-vaccine." I agree with you that the vaccine companies are abusing children. Please stop calling me and the people commenting here "cronies," etc.

I didn't tell you what to do, you can flag things you want to, of course.

For the last time, I am not "pushing" vaccines. If you had watched the video you would know that. I am arguing the opposite of that position, and I do not think they are "safe" as you say.