
Sorry for the misunderstanding. I had this heated debate with one of our bloggers who was saying no vaccine is safe to use and how it poisons people and children. Vaccines reach us after completing after various trial phases.The technology we have now guarantees that the vaccine is in its purest form .Vaccine failures and safety is not just the concern of the vial that is packed. The chain - from the factory to the patient has to be maintained. Inappropriate storage and technique are the most important cases of vaccine related mishaps. Most of the vaccines that we use have be tested, trialed and proven with data of immunization available from upto 20 years. I have to say this is the one of the most extensive followup studies that has been every made.
We should also look at the number of deaths/diablity prevented due to vaccine. But as you rightly pointed out - Safety needs to be mandated and can never be compromised. sometimes, for eg : in cases of ebola and Zika, when the world had no precautionary measures and t - 0 , vaccines were made available immediately - without appropriate trials and results , which did save lifes. For such vaccines, trial results must be awaited. For existing vaccines, the formulation is already there and long term results have been promising aswell. Why try tweaking for better when you already have the best in such cases.

For existing vaccines, the formulation is already there and long term results have been promising aswell. Why try tweaking for better when you already have the best in such cases.

I wouldn't call thousands of uninvestigated injured kids "the best," myself.

Dr. William Thompson, current Senior Scientist at the CDC says:

I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics. The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism. Decisions were made regarding which findings to report after the data were collected, and I believe that the final study protocol was not followed.
My concern has been the decision to omit relevant findings in a particular study for a particular sub group for a particular vaccine. There have always been recognized risks for vaccination and I believe itis the responsibility of the CDC to properly convey the risks associated with receipt of those vaccines.


Sounds like this senior scientist thinks kids are being injured and more testing is needed.

And this is just one of a litany of issues being raised by professionals throughout the medical community.

That is wrong. But I think it might be that we are perceiving what he means wrongly. When the medications and vaccines are first introduced , there are already some list of side affects thatare already known. This is mainly based on animal trials and human trials- humans who have voluntereed. There is no way what effects it might have on children or how they might response- as children are not approved by ethical commitee to be tested upon. And every human has a different response to the vaccine provided- pharmacogenetics.
Basically what i am trying to say is vaccines are safe but doesnt mean that further safety standards improvmenet is not required. If someone is doing it for testing purpose- then it is wrong. We and our children are not guineapigs.

He directly stated on tape that he committed fraud. Saying "That is wrong" is not an argument.

If someone is doing it for testing purpose- then it is wrong. We and our children are not guineapigs.

Totally agree.