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in #vaccines7 years ago (edited)

The government has paid out over 3 BILLION in compensation for vaccine injuries, through the NVICP. So is there an argument that vaccines are completely safe and effective? I'm not sure how such an argument can exist in light of those payments. Now consider that that court system is adversarial and most cases get tossed. Now consider that it's estimated that only 10% of vaccine injuries are ever reported.
Three years ago a senior researcher at the CDC admitted that they omitted statistically significant data that linked MMR to autism. A recent ruling connected vaccines with SIDS. My own child is vaccine injured. You may think vaccines are safe until it happens to your own child.
I blindly bought into it too. My son paid for my ignorance.


This is the truth. I have government documents showing the risks of vaccines. They are hidden constantly.

Would you be so kind as to share said government documents?

Try the vaccine insert

All the information on the gov't National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program is right here:
Compensation data here:
There is a PDF link you can click on on top of the page, current petitioner awards: $3,468,916,800.58 --when you add in legal fees it's over $3.7 billion as of August 2017.

I've always wondered why the people "for" vaccines are so "for" everyone having to get them? If their arguments are true then they could be surrounded by sick, unvaccinated people and they would be safe and sound right? I mean are they that worried about being alone or what? Anyway to each his own.................

It's because they don't care about ruining the health of the public at large to 'protect' a minute percentage of sick people.

Their arguments usually start with 'what if?'. That is no way to protect the health of the populace.

I am sure that is on the video somewhere, but well, if you have NEVER heard the basic reasons:

A) Because they care about the health of other

B) Because there are people aho cannot be vaccinated for whatever reason, always or temporary. You are protecting them if there isn't a horde of sick people around.

Those reasons aren't good enough for me to make something "mandatory" upon everyone. Some people know how the body works and how to take care of it not needing vaccines in the first place do to optimal working immune system within their body. Most destroy their immune systems over time through products and diet. I can't see trusting some company who produces a product over seas most likely that skips the bodies natural order of filtering by injecting said product directly into ones blood system. Hell, you can't even sue em'. I'm not arguing with you and the comment isn't directed towards you just ranting off the top of my head. I do appreciate your comment and answer though. I suggest everyone with netfix watch "Vaxxed". I digress...............


The pro-mandatory vaccination believers are living in a past that never existed. They believe that vaccines saved humanity without actually doing the research to confirm or disprove their beliefs. They repeatedly recycle the same arguments without checking their facts.

Safer, cheaper, and more effective technologies have long since rendered whatever benefit vaccines might have ever provided obsolete. Vaccines are too dangerous, too expensive, and have been proven time and again to be less effective than natural immunity.

I'm sorry to hear about your son and I know of many more vaccine injured children, some of which are carer dependent adults now. Some received compensation, some didn't. Vaccine injuries are known to happen frequently for over 60 years! Books on explaining how vaccines work and why there are injuries are out on and have been available as long as I studied about alternative health. I will not understand how ANY mother or father who loves their child will have a needle stuck into this budding life unnecessarily. I have written about this before how my mother didn't allow us to be vaccined, instead she gave us organic food to eat and we were healthy while one of the junk food consuming family with 4 kids had 2 of them come down with polio, one permanently suffering. Why did the other 2 not get polio, why did my brother not get polio although we were playing with these kids?

The above video was produced by the vaccine pushers, that is obvious and they have finally found their way onto Steemit. Welcome and good bye, I say. And if you really love your child and not just say so, inform yourself and forbid the doctors to vaccine this new precious life.

The above video was produced by the vaccine pushers, that is obvious and they have finally found their way onto Steemit.

You didn't watch the video, did you? The video is from my YouTube channel and I am anti-mandatory vaccines. You should really examine content before judging it. This was a debate in which I argued the negative.

I've replied to another comment from your colleague! The headline of your steemit post says: Vaccines are safe and people are morally obliged to take them. THERE IS NO DEBATE NECESSARY. DO NOT ENGAGE IN CHILDABUSE PEDDLING VACCINES AND STUPID HEADLINES LIKE ON THIS POST TO FURTHER CONFUSE PARENTS. I REPEAT: YOU ARE IN BED WITH THE VACCINE PUSHERS. GET HONEST. PERIOD.

What the hell do you mean by saying you are anti mandatory vaccines? So you condone vaccines as long as they are voluntary? As long as doctors can confuse and frighten young and ignorant parents into getting those vaccines administered to this new budding life they love? What sort of future people do you want in the world? Vaccine damaged ones as we see now?

Ok, @antje, calm down. NO I WON'T!!! STOP THIS CHILDABUSE. PERIOD.

Watch the debate. You will understand my position. I am not disagreeing with you.

aunty will kill u :D kaf :D

I could kiss you. It's so refreshing to see someone that is truly awake.

So is there an argument that vaccines are completely safe and effective?

No. There never was. Also nobody says trains are totally safe. They are still several times safer then cars, so saying its safer to travel by train is true. Same with vaccines, just that the difference is even bigger.

So what you're saying seems to be, that we should make trains mandatory?

Strange how you alwas think that I say things that I never have said.

We should put more resources into bettering the train network instead of ever more roads and cars, if you mean that.

Since when do I ALWAYS think that you say things that you've never have said?

Since when do you have any idea what I think?

I was stretching the analogy to the same extent as the mandatory vaccine argument, to show how ridiculous it is. I could be accused of appeal to ridicule, but it is your analogy. Vaccines are dangerous and even deadly. I'm not going to permanently injure or kill myself, no matter who, or how many, it would help. The train analogy breaks down before it even leaves the station.

And then there's this...your answer to @stillwater above.

"A) Because they care about the health of other"

You are implying, though I don't expect you know it, that those who choose to refrain from endangering their health are less caring than those who blindly fall in line, and are injected with potentially lethal toxins.

"B) Because there are people aho cannot be vaccinated for whatever reason, always or temporary. You are protecting them if there isn't a horde of sick people around."

Vaccination does not protect these people, this is one of the common pieces of propaganda. Even if it did, which it doesn't, should I set my child on fire to keep someone else's child warm? How many people is it okay to injure or kill to pretend that we are protecting a few sick people?

"for whatever reason"

This is not a sound or valid argument.

A vaccination is not a toxin O.o

I never wrote I am for mandatory vaccination. That is your "stretching".

Vaccination does not protect these people, this is one of the common pieces of propaganda.

Well, it does.

Vaccines are dangerous and even deadly.

Going shopping is dangerous and even deadly. Still people do it even when they don't have to. Can you believe that?
And smokers! Paying lots of money to kill themselfs and others!!
btw. sitting is lethal. I hope you are not sitting when writing or reading.

I'm not going to permanently injure or kill myself, no matter who, or how many, it would help.

That is okay. Nobody requires you to be a police officer or a fire fighter.
No, I am wrong. Actually in most countries it is possible to force people to do fire fighter duties if there is nobody found in another way.

Way to go me, 'stretching' the conversation to address the ONLY currently relevant aspect of this subject. Mandating the use of dangerous, archaic medical technologies is violation of individual natural rights, and international convention, and is, in fact, a war crime.

Vaccination does not protect these people, this is one of the common pieces of propaganda.

Well, sorry, it doesn't. All one needs to do is look at the historical timeline. The decline of disease began well before the introduction of vaccination, but neatly correlated with the beginning of widespread use of sanitation, hygiene, and nutrition. The decline of disease even occurred in diseases for which there are no vaccines.

If you want, you can even look at outbreaks CAUSED by vaccination.

Going shopping is dangerous and even deadly. Still people do it even when they don't have to. Can you believe that?
And smokers! Paying lots of money to kill themselfs and others!!
btw. sitting is lethal. I hope you are not sitting when writing or reading.

No one is trying to force me to shop, smoke, or sit. This is no argument. Also, this is three red herrings, and an appeal to fear.

Actually in most countries it is possible to force people to do fire fighter duties if there is nobody found in another way.

This is another red herring, with no evidence that, what I suspect you are claiming is, governments, not 'countries' force people to fight fires.

Forcing people to do things against their will is called slavery.

The INITIATION of force is always violence, and if a government uses it against me, I will absolutely resist it with all force possible to defend myself against this violence.

All one needs to do is look at the historical timeline. The decline of disease began well before the introduction of vaccination, but neatly correlated with the beginning of widespread use of sanitation, hygiene, and nutrition. The decline of disease even occurred in diseases for which there are no vaccines.

You can repat this thousands of times, and it is still wrong to say that this alone caused the drop. Of course if people hav eless chance to get infected, they get infected less. That still not makes them immune like a vaccine.

And the rest of your post is just trying to get away from the point. As with shopping nobody is forcing you to get vaccinated. The topic of your post ist

Where safe is true compared to being unvaccinated and morally obligated is also true, which is not the same as forced.

governments, not 'countries' force people to fight fires.

A country without government does not exist, so your artificial dichotomy is meaningless.
And the government does not force me. The government makes laws. But even if you show me a very heavy book of law and the text set in bold gothic types, that is not forcing.
The police may come to force me to obey the law, but police is not government, its executive, not legislative. And no, this does not hapen if you don't vaccinate yourself.

and an appeal to fear.

Funny to hear that coming from someone who uses tons of FUD and ignores every cientific result to shove his opinion down the throats of people.

WRONG! More research needed by you dear man.

What, specifically, is factually inaccurate about the information presented herein?

If no vaccination - that cost could rise to 3 trillion my friend .

If no vaccination then the cost of vaccine injury could rise to 3 trillion? I'm sure that is not what you meant, I'm guessing you meant the cost of permanent injury from what are called "vaccine preventable diseases" and I completely disagree with you.
Most are harmless. Most are misunderstood. Measles and Chicken pox come to mind first. And everyone likes to whip out polio, too bad polio is a man made disease and very poorly understood.
Mortality was down to almost zero for most of these harmless childhood illnesses before the vaccines came out. And we are learning today about the protection that building immunity naturally to these childhood illnesses provided... cancer being the main one. Chicken pox has been show to protect against the worst gliomas --and guess what is on the rise? Yep. Gliomas. We are messing with mother nature. I wish the best of luck in your studies and research on the topic. Start with Pub Med.