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RE: Pro-Vaxxers want to Kill you to 'Save lives'!

in #vaccines7 years ago

Well I have to say your responses to your one comment sold me more then your post. I am not a pro-vaxxer or a anti one. I believe it is your choice, I chose to vax. I have 2 children with Autism and myself. I was never vaccinated except for 4 shots at the beginning of school. I am not immune to anything, they check when you get pregnant. The two girls I grew up with got meseals, mumps, chicken pox and I was 1 to 3 years when they got sick with each. They are 9 and 6 years older than me. The woman that raised me put me in the room with them, made me sleep with them, play with them, etc. She wanted us all to get them at the same time for her convenience. Let's just say I did not get them, nor did I get immune to them.

My husband is an anti vaxxer and never wanted our children vaccinated. I did and we did. I did my research and read the medical research from leading researchers and they said vaccines are safe, except for the rare few, and it does not cause Autism. There is also research that people with Autistic symptoms have been documented since before vaccines were given.

My point is who is right? There is just as much research supporting both sides. When you go to the pediatrician and say you don't want vaccines, which I am currently doing with my last child and refusing it for my preschool age children, you get the speech of the threat, the advice to not take your children to school, day cares, Walmart, etc do to the threat of infection. You have to sign documents saying you refuse. You sign nothing when you do. They do not hand you research about the risks just the benefits. I spoke to them about children who do get injured, which I believe is a not a truly effective description for what actually happens. They say that is extremely rare and you should not think about that.

So now I am on both sides I have vaccinated and now I am not. I would like to say that I am pro one but I am not. There is too many lies in the media every single day, too much pro and negative data to sway one way. I do want to say you have swayed me more then anyone else.

As for the death threats that is beyond stupidity and shows their ignorance. However, that is our society now. Don't like how one thinks, votes, lives; degrade, humiliate, threaten to kill, and hey let's write about it, livestream it and let's get the sheep to follow. Welcome to the modern, more acceptable world, what a joke.


Wow... I appreciate this comment. Thank you.