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RE: The dangerous growing divide between those who vaccinate and those who don't

in #vaccines8 years ago

Baah quick little two question quiz for ya

  1. Is the phrase "The healthcare industry has been bought and paid for" a fact or opinion
  2. is the phrase "The healthcare industry hasn't been bought and paid for" a fact or opinion

Seriously, what is your level of indoctrination? Do you even know what reason is?

These endless appeals from authority, appeals to popularity, and genetic fallacies do not bolster your arguments.

Yes, and many other things. Have you been tested for I.Q.?

The truth can no be found by assailing the mental competence of everyone with whom you do not agree. I've tried that method, and while fun, it bares few constructive results.

Baah please pay no attention to him, @lifeworship says he is a bully

and bullies should be ignored. Remember 5th grade?

I didn't ignore bullies in 5th grade. I put needles in their gym shorts. It made them think twice before messing with me again.

Jesus says to turn the other cheek


And then you continue ignoring them! If you ignore them, they won't bother you anymore my little Robert H. Baahmer