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RE: Dr. Andrew Wakefield a VILLAIN or a HERO? Here's what the Mainstream Media has left out ...

in #vaccines7 years ago

Very possibly so James; it's just when I read things about how a blatant fraudster, and somebody who triggered the biggest hoax in medical history, may be being misrepresented. When in fact the exact opposite happened it makes me mad.

You do realise that during this hoax, you couldn't find an article by one science correspondent in the popular media, not one. You had scientific giants like Nigella fucking Lawson, talking about MMR, autism and vaccines. Somebody who had at best, last done an experiment in school. The worst part is, people listened to her, and it all started because of Wakefield.

I rarely call people a cunt in print, however Wakefield is one I will happily use that language for, because he is one. He is responsible for the outbreak of measles in the UK around the time, and dozens of deaths from it. I make no apologies.



That is the point .. "popular media" is bought out.. Seriously it is that bad! No joke.. Look into it. They can't report it their carrier will be ruined and reputation discredited (just as your have seen with Wakefield). I'm not asking you to believe me, but I am presenting counter evidence to what you have seen. So now the rational thing for you to do is give that an honest investigation.

I understand your frustration. Remember this is a billion dollar industry though. I'm sure you have heard how corporations manipulate politicians with campaign donations right? I don't want to over-simplify it but you have a government passing laws that protect corporations from damages. And corporations that are basically so corrupt they collectively make bad decisions based on profit and ignore human health. They only want to stay under the radar but they act in ways that are clearly psychopathic. And yea, they resort to fear and even teasing and name calling as part of their damage control marketing.

The media is owned and manipulated too. If a doctor stands out the pharmaceutical industry can throw their millions of dollars around to try and discredit them. If the media gets out of line it is called carrier suicide. They do the same trick to fake science reports by bribing scientist. It is a lot of bribes and mafia like tactics.

It is really easy to find all the evidence and I'm sure you'll be convinced, however, I don't know when you'll be ready. It can be a tough pill to swallow but it is really good medicine (unlike the crap we get from the pharmaceutical industry - lol).

So in a way I'm in the same position you are .. What what I have learned there is now way I'm backing down either! Only because you are not bought out and getting people injured we are actually on the same side..

You don't have to apologize .. Basically almost everyone gets upset like this when they start hearing it. It gets easier ..