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RE: The Alternative Lifestyle Show - the Anti-Vaccines debate - help wanted

in #vaccines6 years ago

I've been involved in so many arguments with pharma trolls and shills that I've compiled a database of evidence that they cannot refute. They always use the same regurgitated talking points, so instead of typing the same argument over and over again I simply copy/paste my response:

I don’t know what is more disturbing. The inability of you people to think for yourselves, or the the idea that many of you are spreading this false pizzle willingly in order to make a few bucks on the side. The latter is perpetrated by putrid human filth on the level of pedophiles and you should be treated accordingly.

For the former, the only “science” you people can ever come up with is regurgitated talking points originated by the 6:00 news and pro-vax blogs.

At the same time you chastise people for not wanting to put themselves or their children in harms way by injecting themselves or their kids with provably toxic substances that do not pass the “risk vs benefit” smell test. To add insult to injury you don’t spend 3 seconds to understand why people have chosen not to vaccinate. Instead, you pull the reasons out of your a$$es on our behalf. The fact of the matter is, a great deal of people are EX-VAXXERS and have gone this route after the damages that they themselves have endured or damages that their children have endured (including death).

Then the argument pro-vaxxers use is the same, tired, lame “severe adverse reactions are rare”. Really? Is that why we have a vaccine court? Is that why vaccine manufacturers have convinced the US government that they should have ZERO liability for severe adverse reactions including death?
Let’s say for the sake of argument that the severe adverse reactions including death are as rare as you pro-vaxxers claim. Well, it just make it more egregious that there isn’t a single MSM news mention about those “rare” cases. In those “once in a blue moon” mentions that it is shown in the news its always framed as a “coincidence” and something that the family believes happened. How tragically intelligence insulting.

I have a news flash for you all. VACCINES DID NOT SAVE MANKIND. Unlike you people that regurgitate talking points and insults, I can provide historical proof + logic.

Myth #1:
Anti-vaxxers are spreading disease. Stupid logic all around. That would mean unvaccinated = diseased. That’s a great marketing strategy for Pharma. Blame the unvaccinated for spreading disease and the sheeple will believe it.

Myth #2:
Everyone needs to be vaccinated for herd immunity.
BS. Reasons: Vaccine-induced (artificial) herd immunity does not provide lifelong protection. Its the reason you have boosters. Most adult DO NOT get boosters. MMR is just one example. Therefore, by definition most adult are walking around Unvaccinated.
Add to that the fact that today’s CDC vaccine schedule contains 150% more vaccines than existed some 20,30,40 years ago and NO adults follow it. It then begs the question: Why are you people so laser focused on kids being unvaccinated??

Myth #3:
Vaccine do not cause autism because it was debunked.

“Immune system and gastrointestinal deregulation (Wakefield study) linked with autism”
Source: UC Davis Health

144 Research Papers Supporting the Vaccine/Autism Link

Why have we never seen or allowed a live, televised debate on this topic? It would stand to reason that if pro-vaxxers were SO afraid of anti-vaxxers spreading disease we would have a series of debates on the topic and it would help to put the subject to rest. BUT THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN. Simply saying “the science ie settled” doesn’t fly anymore. More people are waking up.

FACT: Vaccinated people CAN and DO spread disease. It’s called “viral shedding”. Numerous medical links prove it including the vaccine inserts themselves. Some proof for the lazy:

“To avoid contact with a person who has a rash after recently receiving the chickenpox (varicella) vaccine.
To avoid contact with a person who has received a intranasal flu vaccine within one week. This applies only if your child is severely immune suppressed such as in the hospital after a recent bone marrow transplant There is no similar risk with the inactivated, injectable flu vaccine.
If a household contact (infant) has recently received rotavirus vaccination, all family members should wash hands thoroughly and frequently after contact with the vaccinated infant, especially when changing diapers.

For those of you millennials with no concept of history, here’s a bit of history for you:

Proof that the anti-vax movement is nothing new:


“From 1985 through 1988, 42% of cases occurred in persons who were vaccinated on or after their first birthday. During these years, 68% of cases in school-aged children (5–19 years) occurred among those who had been appropriately vaccinated.”


Household Transmission of Vaccinia Virus from Contact with a Military Smallpox Vaccinee --- Illinois and Indiana, 2007
Google “progressive vaccinia”. Common result from smallpox vaccine.


“In conclusion, the largest historical decrease in morbidity and mortality caused by infectious disease was experienced not with the modern antibiotic and vaccine era, but after the introduction of clean water and effective sewer systems.”

Journal of pediatrics, December 1999, vol. 135, p663

“Clean water appears to be responsible for 74% (46/62) of the infant mortality reduction and 62% (50/81) of the child mortality reduction. Similarly, clean water led to the near-eradication of typhoid fever…diphtheria…..”

“Experts who addressed the committee pointed not to a body of evidence that had been overlooked but rather to the fact that existing research has not been designed to test the entire immunization schedule.
The committee believes that although the available evidence is reassuring, studies designed to examine the long-term effects of the cumulative number of vaccines or other aspects of the immunization schedule have not been conducted. “

Polio BS:

Polio clinical trials were rushed and scientists that raised serious concerns were silenced:

Salk vaccine caused paralysis:

(Start with page 183 - 186)

Polio vaccine in India caused Polio:
{this one has a wealth of info}

Bill Gates 47,500 Deaths

And from India directly:
“Rise in paralysis cases after polio vaccine”

Archived evidence that the oral polio vaccine causes polio:

Time to start thinking for yourselves. Time to start coming up with historical facts rather than your (plural) trademark personal attacks and regurgitated talking points which you people call “arguments”. Until then you will continue to lose this battle. Deal with it."