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RE: Vaccines - 1 death is a tragedy and million lives saved is a mere statistic

in #vaccines8 years ago

Wow! Was not expecting this response.

our circadian clocks desynchronised with each other and with the natural rhythms of the sun, earth, moon and magnetic fields.

I am not sure of this. I think it is more of viruses becoming smarter than our bodies, playing peekaboo.


oh, seriously, the circadian cycle thing is a real thing. I have been earthing for 3 days now, and, well, my earth wire is pretty primitive, but I am definitely feeling different. This morning, finally, I am awake as the sun rises. By that I mean, I feel some fatigue still from having not slept right in weeks, maybe months, but my mood is very up and upon becoming conscious this morning i had some of that 'leaping out of bed' thing that was very common when I was a child and now almost never happens.

My sleep/wake cycle had slipped around from 2am but the sun is not optional, in fact if this one building was not where it is, the sun would be blazing in from 6am until about 11am when it finally passes around the corner. So I am forced to adapt to the sun.

I am still wrestling with getting my clock right, but I will say one thing, this morning, I woke up with so much energy... I can tell that within a few more days of this that I'm gonna be itching to do some proper exercise.

The viruses are definitely a thing, but our body clocks are evolved to synchronise with the earth's natural radio frequency signals as a reference point. If you have ever spent an extended period a long way from humanity, where there is not much radio, mobile phone towers, and the like, you would know what I mean.

It is very simple. The body has chemical processes that have dependency relationships. When two such organs are in a dependent relationship, and the sequence needs to be one organ makes one thing, so that the second organ can use that to make another thing, and organ A is desynchronised by let's say, half an hour with B, what happens to B's production process? It's going to fail.

Having just spent a lot of time studying distributed systems time sequence determination systems, I can believe totally that our body has many clocks and that they normally would synchronise by an external signal. You think the Steem peer to peer network, or Bitcoin, is complicated. Think about what goes on inside your body!