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RE: Clarification of my stance on vaccines, and why mandatory vaccination is definitely an issue pertinent to Anarcho-Capitalism/Voluntaryism. PLUS: OPEN INVITATION TO FORMAL DEBATE.

in #vaccines7 years ago

You are griping that you had to take a vaccine that you didn't want,
because some other people didn't take vaccines that they didn't want?

I don't get it ...


Touché! Didn't even spot that one!

Hmmm… that's a good point because basically you are saying that if anyone who chooses to take the vaccine is fully protect themselves then why making vaccination mandatory?

Well you have to consider another factor and that is the chances of the disease to become an epidemic, which are reduced to zero if the portion of the population that is immuned to it, is above a certain threshold. So now the question becomes, can we trust that if the vaccination is not mandatory, enough people will choose to vaccinate?

Well I’m afraid that the answer is no, as the fact that there is now a measle epidemic in parts of Europe shows.

that's a good point because basically you are saying that if anyone who chooses to take the vaccine is fully protect themselves then why making vaccination mandatory?

That's not what she said. She said it's ironic you don't want to be forced to take a vaccine, but you want others to be forced to take that same vaccine, and you're complaining about being forced to take it.

She doesn't understand

Where did I say that I don't want to be forced to take the vaccine?

I had to take a measles vaccinaton before going to Europe because enough idiots decided not to vaccinate their children.

If you don't remember, maybe you have a vaccine injury

Rank fear mongering.

Good ideas don't need to be mandated.

It's ironic he makes the herd immunity argument yet he has been unvaccinated (measles) his whole life.