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RE: If you think the fight against forced vaccinations is just about children… Think again ADULTS THEY ARE TARGETING YOU TOO!

in #vaccines8 years ago (edited)

I know. That hit me big time too, watching it today.
When she said that we may not be allowed to go in public places like even a grocery store ...
somehow the grocery store part hit me hard and I had to rewind and listen more closely.
Can you imagine if the day really came where they said we could not go shopping for food if we (adults) aren't up-to-date on whatever number of vaccines they tell us to take? That's a scary thought and I hope that it never comes to that.
I don't see how they will succeed because more and more people are waking up to what's going on ... but still unnerving to think that this could be their plan.


I thank you for all you are doing to spread this information. I have been really sidelined with my own vaccine created health problems and have not been on my computer much. It is a crime, I get frustrated but my problems of critical blood pressures pale in comparison to the children damaged by their poisons.