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RE: The dangerous growing divide between those who vaccinate and those who don't

in #vaccines8 years ago

Or because there are people who cannot get vaccinated due to autoimmune disorders or cancers like leukemia? Additionally, the immunity that is given by vaccines (as does all immunity) tend to diminish over time (think shingles)

Not all immunity tends to diminish, in fact natural immunity is far more resilient than vaccines, while vaccines don't protect those that have leukemia because they could very well infect them when they shed.

You have 0 reasons to believe this, and it is highly unlikely that is the case.

You have zero reasons to back up this claim.

Also, wtf is this, are you comparing vaccinations to the Holocaust?

Are you illiterate or struggling with comprehending what you read, or why can you not make sense of the message "don't resort to hate, it's a control mechanism"?

Except you and all the other people spouting this bullshit, right? You seem to believe that everyone else has been either brainwashed or bribed.

Actually questioning you was very interesting, you made numerous claims and didn't back any of them up, you cried opinion because PBS, and instead of making one argument you resorted to numerous character attacks and denials.

We are researching vaccines, and that research shows that the vast majority (especially those for children) of vaccines are safe

Yeah, that's research "the vast majority". Too bad not one person has provided a safety study for one vaccine yet.

If you are against vaccination, that's fine. But please, withdraw yourself from society. You only put others (especially those who have legitimate medical reasons for not getting vaccinated) at risk for your stupid behavior.

If they have legitimate medial reason for not getting vaccinated they should stay away from society themselves, as vaccinated people shed.


Seriously, what is your level of indoctrination? Do you even know what reason is?

These endless appeals from authority, appeals to popularity, and genetic fallacies do not bolster your arguments.

Yes, and many other things. Have you been tested for I.Q.?

The truth can no be found by assailing the mental competence of everyone with whom you do not agree. I've tried that method, and while fun, it bares few constructive results.

Baah please pay no attention to him, @lifeworship says he is a bully

and bullies should be ignored. Remember 5th grade?

I didn't ignore bullies in 5th grade. I put needles in their gym shorts. It made them think twice before messing with me again.