Vaccines are Bullshit.. Did they really eradicate polio?
Nope.. not at all. The polio vaccine is total bullshit!
(Sorry, dtube version not working)
Suzanne Humphries, MD, speaking on Polio at the Association of Natural Health Conference:
Suzanne Humphries, MD, speaking on Polio at the Association of Natural Health Conference edit 5 2015:
Ep95- Polio is a Man-Made Disease:
Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History:
Did Bill Gates KNOW His Polio Vaccination Push Would Paralyze Children?:
Pro-Vaccine Logic: Take Food from Starving Children to Force Vaccines:
Polio Vaccine Causes More Paralysis in India:
Peace,truth & love:
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Hey. Nice explained. I am quite new in this topic but I am sure now, they - who ever they are - are tricking us if it is about vaccines. How is the law at your place about vaccine? Mendatory? We in austria still have a bit of choice. Few restrictions but still a choice
I'm in California and the mandatory vaccines are getting worse. To attend school you must have a medical opt-out or homeschool. I homeschool my kids but they're trying to crack down on that too as well as the restrict the allowed number of medical exemptions. It's rough!
Thats really scary. I am sorry for your situation. Like I said... here in austria its still a little easier and I hope that stays.