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RE: The dangerous growing divide between those who vaccinate and those who don't

in #vaccines8 years ago

This has recently (as in the last decade) been a delicate subject with one side gaining larger and larger voice against the idea of vaccination.

I choose not the believe that Edward Jenner and Jonas Salk created what is a life saver at the time when smallpox and polio hit hardest for profit. Of course there is no way to prove that. But I can't see how one can demonize a Saint like Salk when he clearly gave away his right to be a billionaire Big Pharma winner by not patenting his invention.

I'd say vaccines like almost all other invention and discovery are made with good intentions. But where good things are, bad people follow. It's easy to put Big Pharma as The Enemy (and they clearly aren't good people either, just look at Martin Shrekeli. He is an idiot, But imagine how much more harm the smart ones are doing). But to "fight" against them is hard, not when they've already got such a grip on civilization.

@samstonehill I know you did the right thing by not only not vaccinate your child artificially but going the full extreme. You clearly know what you're doing and I'm interested to learn more from what to you know. The lifestyle that he lived already guarantees he has way above average immune system then his peer and maybe even some adults.

The danger however is when parents half-ass their conviction. You know, the typical idiot moms that jump the anti-vaccine bandwagon by doing no research, refuse to have their children shot, and them put them through an unhealthy unnatural life in a plastic suburbs. Feeding them fast foods and letting them play ipads without ever touching mud or seeing the sun.

These parents set their kids to fail in the worst way possible. And though we can't see the repercussions now, my guess is that in the next decades we will start seeing teens and adults that will speak up against the "atrocities" idiot moms have made on childrens. It will be nice to see how future data reflects the rise of deadly epidemics simply because of parents not knowing how to do things right, and then humanity can learn from it.

One cannot "blame" an entity that solely exist to make profit for their investors without regard to the people. The same way one can't blame a butcher for not keeping the animals alive.

What we can do however, is to truly truly understand what's going on. How human anatomy works, how often times ancient eastern teachings are actually better than western scientific advances and how we can take the best of both worlds to improve our lives.


The idea that there are only two choices is a false dilemma that many fall into. If you are being offered only two choices, neither one is usually the answer.

The question is not 'to vaccinate or not to vaccinate.'

As we live in a universe where time is not static, new inventions are possible, and extant. Vaccinations, good or bad, are obsolete as the buggy whip.

I fully agree with that. in the context of Vaccination, the "hard choice" is a fabricated one exists to only push agendas for profit - on both sides.

Life and nature is dynamic and never binary.

Life and nature also favours those who do things right. And because i know this truth i live everyday asking myself "What can i do that is right and what have i don wrong that can be righted." I hope this principle among others guide me on a correct path. if ever i am wrong or there is a better option, I am more than willing to listen.