Changing what you're accusing the CDC of once I point out that you are attributing the wrong behavior to them is fine, but I think that kind of speaks to my point that much of the anti-vax community really doesn't know what it's doing.
I'm glad you can't send kids to school without up to date vaccinations. That's sound policy, not coercion. And if you think you're injecting cancer into your kid, you shouldn't care what the school thinks. The fact is, kids get immunizations in stages, and if you never got any, you can bring an illness into the school that will make a lot of kids very ill.
But still, the CDC isn't the one setting that standard. It is individual states and municipalities. Rant about them all you want, it does not change the fact that the polio vaccine is safe, and works.
SV40 in that old batch of polio vaccine hurts no one. Saying that it's poison over and over doesn't make it so.
There are studies that show the earth is flat. But they are old, and useless, and poorly done. The existence of those studies doesn't change the reality of the situation. So too with vaccines. I'm not going to declare the earth is flat just because I can dig up a study that say it's so. These things really do have to be taken in their totality.
I'm pretty bored with the "But look at the ingredients!" line of thinking. It showcases that the person speaking is just copying some anti-vax meme most of the time. Vaccine ingredients serve a purpose, work in tandem with each other, and are set in an appropriate therapeutic range. This argument is a lot like saying kids shouldn't drink water because so much water is found in cancer cells.
Vaccines are safe, man. Increased life spans, the near-elimination of certain diseases like polio, the increasingly rare occurrence of many other awful diseases, these things speak to that. Shouting the word mercury at me doesn't change these things.
I may think your reasoning is flawed, and the anti-vax premise wrong, irresponsible, but I haven't berated you for actively harming anyone.
I give my patients exceptional care, up to and including respecting their wishes when they shun a vaccine. Declaring that I'm in collusion with tyranny is just melodramatic, and takes away from your point. (Which gets more elusive each time you go on a tangent about how I'm some kind of diabolical obfuscator).