I'm a PhD scientist. I believed whole heartedly in vaccines for years. Now I'm pretty positive the published research is tobacco science, it causes harm, and the pharma companies profit off our continued sickness for billions each year.
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Hey @aggroed you seem like a pretty smart dude so can you point me in the direction of some reading material so I can look into this. I am under the impression that the "vaccines cause autism" has been debunked many times for the last 20 years or so. When I google "doctors who believe vaccines cause autism" I am having trouble finding any examples. I found this article, http://www.activistpost.com/2013/09/22-medical-studies-that-show-vaccines.html , but it seems like when I google the name of each study listed, the search results are nothing but studies and reports that debunk the original report.
Sure. You're looking at a highly sophisticated and coordinated astroturf campaign. Google alters post rankings for paying customers of which big pharma is one. There was extremely clear evidence of this during the Clinton campaign. The opinions are fake and generated by the pharma companies. The stories are bogus. It's meant to look like organic support, but it's all scripted nonsense to protect profit and mandated medicine that causes lifelong harm that requires more medicine.
Happy to go over more details or put you in touch with some good people about this.
I'll send you a message in discord in a bit. Thanks!
please look at youtube, there are many films. here's one to start with:
and please realize that vaccines do cause autoimmune disorders of all kinds, they speak of it at about 10 minutes in, and yeah, we have autism, guillaine-barre and other autoimmune disease in the family
Thanks for the reply @binksmom, I've been doing some research about this video and it seems like the information is false. http://www.snopes.com/medical/disease/cdcwhistleblower.asp
Am I missing something? Can you please refer me to another piece of data that hasn't been widely disputed?
try here:
and you should google up "is snopes wrong?"
Amen, and thank you for having the courage to speak out against the lies of the Medical Mafia.
Wow and to think we actually believe we are doing good. What else are we doing to ourselves in the name of good. Thank you for reading my post and replying to it.
Well said.
As the people start to realise the vaccination program is flawed the government and big pharma begin to fight back.
Yesterday I posted an article about a new law by the Australian government giving them the powers to jail health care workers and professionals like yourself that post comments like the one you just wrote.
please check my article from yesterday.