HPV Vaccine Scam is Fake News - Really?

in #vaccines7 years ago (edited)

Photo from alternativenewsnetwork.net article

Fakebook followers flunked again. Recently I was on Facebook, as I occasionally am to keep up with family and friends from out of town, and one of my friends had posted an article entitled Lead Developer of HPV Vaccines Comes Clean, Warns Parents & Young Girls It’s All A Giant Deadly Scam. This friend has three teenage daughters all of whom had gotten the vaccine, and was concerned. Conversation among the young girls was omg, what does this mean?

Enter the friendly know it all friends. One said don't take the article seriously, the source was alternativenewsnetwork.net, simply because it was a "sketchy" source. She suggested to check with the real authorities, the CDC website. Another friend countered with personal knowledge of 3 women who had gotten the vaccine years earlier and were now sterile. Won't find that on the CDC website.

The comment that caused this article though was when a friend then said the article was fake. The article is fake, how? Because it didn't come form the mainstream media? Because you didn't hear it on tv? Because it came from an "alternative" source? How does one determine the veracity of an article? And what is fake, that the professor was calling for a halt to immunizations? That the professor even exists? That the HPV vaccine is a scam? Just a blanket statement that the article is fake and to check Snopes.

Well, Snopes says nothing about Professor Genevieve Rail, her study or her findings. But it does say that it's false that the Gardasil vaccine has been proven to kill 32 women, then goes on to sing the praises of the vaccine. Sooo, no proof here of a fake article.

Screen shot 2017-07-26 at 7.08.40 PM.png

Screen shot of Professors Tweet

But it wasn't hard to find the professors twitter account, and since she doesn't tweet much a tweet from December 16, 2016 proves her concerns about the vaccine. So she is real and did speak out against the HPV vaccines. And it wasn't hard to find what appears to be a valid Canadian news source the National Post which carried the story back in 2015 when it was probably a fresh story.

The propaganda is thick out there folks and people are buying it. Could this particular article be vetted more, sure. But a couple quick searches provide a case for a true story over a fake story. So what? Well, if you see this kind of ignorance, try to educate where you can if you don't already. Most times when the truth is put in front of someone they either see it or at least it causes them to question. But silence is acquiescence and it you stay silent, you agree with the propaganda.

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Hehehe, a bit funny :D

Thanks for checking the sources on this one. FB is filled with fake stories and unfounded assertions.

Go back and read

I did. And I'm thankful for your research. Most people don't go into the sources and only scan headlines.

If you understood that calling it fake was wrong, it wasn't fake, I don't understand why you say FB is filled with fake stuff?

You fact checked an article that said the original was fake when it turned out to be true, right? I.e. you knew that some things on FB are in fact fake and really need to be fact checked. I call that a success. Thanks for posting. :)

Thanks for clarifying :)

No problem at all. Keep posting please. :)