a Jeff Hayes Film
Written and Directed by Bobby Sheehan
Free viewing October 22, 2017- November 1, 2017
See the full movie here
When I was pregnant with our first son, Devdan @extraordinarykid, I researched everything from hospital vs home birth, the health benefits, if any, of circumcision, natural birth vs medicated birth, which diet is best during pregnancy and many, many more topics. Among those issues was the issue of vaccination. I honestly had never really thought about whether or not I would vaccinate my own children. I was double vaccinated as a child because my shot record was lost. As an adult I did not get flu shots and because of the traumatic experience as a kid, having been double vaccinated, I have a deep hatred for needles! When my midwife brought up the choice of vaccinating or not, I honestly did not realize we had a choice. Ryan and I talked about what he did with our oldest, Desert @despool, and he was unvaccinated. I wanted to learn about why people chose not to vaccinate so I started researching. I can say that there was not one single thing that made my decision but a combination of many things that made me realize it was not a healthy choice for my child. This was in 2010, and there is even more evidence that vaccinating is not a healthy option and actually quite harmful to your child's under developed immune system. Everything I read made me sick to my stomach!!!
I have come across quite a few documentaries that explain what is really going on in the vaccine world and support my decision, as a parent, to choose not to vaccinate our kids. I implore you to watch, listen and make your own decisions on what is right for you and your family. I want nothing more than parents to educate themselves and choose what is right for their family. I decided to re-educate myself on some of these issues and watch all the documentaries that I can find. I am going to start with a couple that I have not seen and then there will be a few in there that I have. I have never written a movie or documentary review so bear with me. I am basically going to watch the documentary, take notes and write what I think about the movie. This is not going to be any kind of formal review but instead just a mom researching the best way to keep her family safe and healthy. Thank you so much to the Steemit Community who support vaccine education and awareness! It makes me proud to be a part of a community that strives to do the best for the next generation!!! @canadian-coconut, @tecnosgirl, @hammockhouse, @freedomflower, @nzfxtrader, @weetreebonsai, @marymg2014
This first documentary is BOUGHT. Jeff Hayes and Bobby Sheehan talk to many professionals in various industries that expose the truth behind vaccines, GMO's and Big Pharma. The film starts with Toni Bark, MD, discussing how there didn't used to be chronic childhood illnesses such as allergies, childhood cancers, obesity, ADHD, asthma and autism. So, why now? What is new? The answer= GMO's, vaccines and Pharma.
"All of these things have a common thread with things that are going into our body and the most disturbing aspect of this is the fundamental fact that big dollars and big business can buy votes and initiatives within the culture and leads to fundamental compromise of our human rights. The consequence of which is that our lives and our well being is all being bought."
Patrick Gentempo, D.C., Co-Founder, Actions Potential Holding, Inc.
The government has not admitted autism is caused by vaccines and yet they have a Vaccine Injury Compensation Program set up so that if, and when, a person believes they are injured they can file a lawsuit and hope for compensation to help take care of their injured child. This court does not work the same way most courts do because it does not function with the same actions as a court. There is no judge who looks at facts and law, no jury, no rules of civil procedure, no rules of evidence and discovery. 90% of the cases brought to this court have to prove causation that the injury the child or adult has suffered is due to the vaccine. There simply is not enough research done to actually prove or disprove vaccine injury. Why are families made to feel like vaccine injury is not possible if there is a program set up like this??? Vaccines are not the problem. Vaccines started out being something that bettered the public health but is now something that is solely based on profit of big pharma companies. The CDC and American Pediatrics have come out saying the link between autism and vaccines has been debunked but there has never been a study done on the effects of an entire recommended vaccine schedule. We need to admit that autism is a vaccine injury so that the treatment can be looked at with accuracy. Studies are being done to find the genetic weaknesses in children who develop autism when the link is what is in the vaccines and what it does when administered. You cannot take off the table the connection between a-typically manipulating the immune system over and over with the use of multiple vaccines in the early developmental period and this chronic disease and disability epidemic we are facing in our children! Half of our kids will develop autism by the quarter century mark, based on the growth over the last SIX YEARS!
As a parent, what kind of information are you gathering as to what you put into your children's body? With all of these illnesses on the rise- science has no answers for our questions or concerns. There are multiple studies showing big pharma companies skew the results when testing if a drug is safe for use. If the result doesn’t match their desired outcome they label that subject as “inconclusive.” Research done by the company is worthless! These companies can influence research because they can influence lobby and that influences current medical practices. Policy is built by government who gets its research from the people who make the drugs. These exposures are creating complex mysterious chronic diseases. No one is out researching what is causing these diseases in our children. Research is being done and falsified to show that there is no negligence. Forcing something on individuals for the “greater good,” such as the argument of heard immunity, is completely antithetical to the idea of individual rights. Questioning doesn’t mean opposition. It means you want more evidence to support the position. What is the solution? GET DOCTORS TO BE PRO-EVIDENCE! The business of medicine has been taken over by medical science. Physicians no longer have access to the facts and data that would allow them to objectively decide what is best for their patient.
“Medical doctors are not in a position to evaluate policy. They are in a position to implement it. We trust our doctors to make a decision on our health that is best for us but that’s not happening now. The doctors are making decisions based on policy, not health. They assume policy is based on researched valid evidence, so they don’t question policy. As a doctor, to question policy, you will be attacked.” James Chestnut, B. ED., M. SC., C. C. W. P.
The government is so connected to all the industries that are causing these problems- drug industry, vaccine industry and food industry. We have swapped out political and religious tyranny for medical tyranny.
70% of all antibiotics produced are going into livestock. You are what you eat. But what I eat, what are THEY eating?
Moms Across America is an organization focused on feeding their families with non-GMO foods.
There are 3 types of GMO’s in our food supply. BT Toxin, which is in corn, soy and cottonseed. This covers 95% of processed foods in America. Everything is made from one of these three products. Round-Up Ready is a pesticide treatment of a seed where the defense becomes part of the seed and you do not need to spray the plants with any pesticide, it grows into the plant. This causes everything to die but the plant. The chemical in Round-Up is Lyposine and it destroys our gut bacteria. This chemical kills our naturally occurring tryptophan and then our bodies cannot create serotonin which then causes our bodies to not be able to regulate blood sugar levels and is the cause of the diabetes epidemic. The third type of GMO used in our food supply is the Desired Trait GMO. This is where they encourage promoters to “wake up” in the plant, such as the color or size promoters, and it changes the way the plant looks or grows. Research has shown that the same chemicals being used to wake up promoters in our food can also be waking up latent cancer or rare disease genes that might not have been woke up otherwise.
“No independent long-term safety test on genetically engineered food has been done. We are relying on tests that are done by the very industry that stands to profit from both the sale of the seed and the sale of the chemicals that those seeds are genetically engineered to resist. The basis by which they determined GMO foods are safe is built on a laughable and unscientific policy called Substantial Equiveillance.
Substantial Equiveillance is that the assessment of a GMO food should demonstrate that it is as safe as its traditional counterpart. Basically, a GMO and Heirloom tomato may produce some of the same traits. There is no research on the effects the chemicals being used if eaten over a lifetime. I mean, isn’t that what the study really should be? Aren’t we eating these foods every day from the time of infancy until we die?? GMO’s are not digested properly in our system and the chemicals just build up and build up. GMO’s are banned in multiple countries around the world and in others there is a law that requires companies to label their foods GMO. How come we just can’t seem to get this here in America? Monsanto states in its contracts with their farmers that they are not allowed to give up crops for any kind of health research to determine if GMO’s are safe. Why would they include something so specific if it was not a risk to their business? One scientists stated that pesticides may have something to do with Colony Collapse Disorder, which is the phenomenon where worker bees from a bee hive or honey bee colony abruptly disappear. The research here is essentially ZERO! Neonicotinoid is a class of insecticide that is used in Round-Up that effects the central nervous system of insects, causing paralysis and death. Monsanto coated their seed with the neonicotinoid in 2006 and in 2007 we saw a 95% bee population DISAPPEARED!!! Are these pesticides poisoning every living thing consuming them??? Plants, livestock, bees, humans? There is no research being done. When testing if a chemical is safe for human consumption we test them individually and on a singular basis. What we do not test is this chemical cocktail and overload in our food, not to mention the prescription drugs and vaccines being administered.
We have been duped. There is not enough time passed to see exactly what the consequences of all of this is but we are seeing enough to make us stand back and decide to take a look!!! Vaccines and medications are not all bad but they aren’t all good either. How seriously are we interfering with Mother Nature?!?! We need to question, we need to insist that the evidence does not get explained away by being bought!!! We need science and data to be the focus and get the money people out of the conversation! If we do not have this conversation we are passing on the hot potato of blame to our children. I am not willing to do that, are you??
Free viewing October 22, 2017- November 1, 2017
See the full movie here
Stay tuned for A mother's review of Vaccine Education Documentaries Part 2: The Silent Epidemic- The Untold Story of Vaccines
Great work here! Have upped, resteemed & followed for more ;)
The more of us who speak this message, the more of us will take notice...
Thank you so much!!! I agree that the more we talk about vaccines hopefully more people will become educated.
Yes sure why not I resteem it
Feels good to hear about this .Thanks
Thank you for reading and commenting @syedabuabdillah!!! I am so glad there is a community on Steemit that will listen and spread the truth! Please resteem to share with your followers! Thanks!
wow.. this is interesting.. :)
I am glad you did the research.
I am glad you are waking up.
Thanks for posting and educating us.
It makes my heart happy to see parents doing their research and sharing what they have learned.
It makes my heart happy to be able to share the knowledge!
Has your mail ran today.
I have not checked it yet. I will go check it now. Do we have a surprise???
@tecnosgirl we didn't get anything from you today 😏
Watch the mail tomorrow then cause tracking said it should have been delivered today, but I was wondering if it would when it was showing late last night it was still in route to TX. I would assume it should be there tomorrow.
i think some people have fear from needle beacause they had bad memory in their childhood.. for me am lucky it don't care when i be vaccinated . lol// but thanks for thisaesome post.. well done Girl.
i think some people have fear from needle beacause they had bad memory in their childhood.. for me am lucky it don't care when i be vaccinated . lol// but thanks for thisaesome post.. well done Girl.
Thanks a bunch!!!!
you are welcoem.. and am looking forward to see other informative books.. to be honest in nowadays people start to learn and read short and invormative articles more than read books.. so thats why why to invest our time being on the net to seek knowledge and learn from clever and intelgnt peeple like ou. many thanks @xtdnrymompreneur i followed. and keep reading ur new posts.
The US is moving to a medical police state with forced vaccination.