Vacation: Part One

in #vacation7 months ago (edited)


My Roommate

January 25, 2024

I got to go to @Brisby's house.

I needed to get away; I needed some time to do nothing. I know we all need that time. We all pray that someday life will slow down enough that we get an hour to sit and think, relax, and not have to be at someone's beck and call. You don't want to see 10,000 things that you have to do. It is a feeling we all can relate to in our diversified world.

Wouldn't it be nice to have just an hour to do nothing? If I had that hour, I would not be snappy at people and could see things slightly calmer.

Life only allows us to fall into calmness if we make the time. We don't think we deserve it. There is only sometimes a choice. The choice is to keep going, and things will work out.

Amid everything going on the last year, two years, five years, I knew I needed a break.

This wonderful friend kept telling me that I was always welcome to visit her if I needed a break.


All packed and ready to go!

Lucky for me, the stars aligned. I was cleaning out my emails. I saw an email from an airline that said there was a ticket sale, so I looked up my friend's house. Usually, that ticket was about $400 each way, which is a ridiculous amount of money! $800 for a round-trip flight in the United States just to another state is absurd, so that trip would never happen. That day, I looked it up, thinking, what are the odds? Well.

The odds were excellent. I got a round-trip ticket for under $200, quite a bit under $200. I called my friend, and we discovered at the time the Airline was offering cheap tickets would be a great time for her to have me visit.

I made the flight far enough out that I knew my mom should be through most of her essential Doctor visits and be on the way to mending. Mom could make it two weeks without me right by her side. Mom would still be able to call me and everything. I kept telling myself I deserved to get away and tried not to feel guilty.

I needed something to look forward to. I will admit I haven't been pleasant to be around. I've been crabby, stressed, and snappy; I will be the first to admit that I was on the edge of losing it because the pain in my body and the stress of taking care of somebody was just too much. I needed a break. I did.

The week before leaving, I cleaned my house as best I could. I pack my bags. I tried to avoid overpacking, but a few gifts were pretty heavy.


My $20.00 breakfast.

Of course, I didn't sleep because I had to be at the airport so early in the morning it wasn't worth it. I knew I just needed to get on the plane, and I kept thinking I would never make it on the plane. I'm never going to make it. Something is going to stop me. Something will come up, and I will miss the plane. I need to make it on the plane. You do not know how much I needed to get on the plane.

When I checked in twenty-four hours before my flight, I realized the aircraft was not full. They always talk about how the aircraft are not filled with people if a plane crashes. The statistics for that are very high, and most planes that crash are not full. I knew by the number I had gotten for my seat that neither aircraft was full. I'm like, if I'm going to die in a plane crash, I'm going somewhere fun. That was my attitude the whole time leading up to my trip.

I got on the plane and promptly fell asleep. I woke up as the aircraft was landing. Luckily, I had a wheelchair because the next plane I had to be on was on the opposite end of the enormous connecting airport. I got on the next plane, which was only an hour's flight, got off, got my luggage, and finally saw my smiling friend, who was half awake. It was the start of the best ten days of my life.

I have known Brisby the whole time I have been on the blockchain. During the five-plus years, we've talked and become lifelong friends. She is the most extraordinary person you'd ever want to meet.


Very tired waiting for my next flight.

Luckily, the airport was close to her house, and I ended up in the Twilight Zone.

I flew halfway across the country and ended up in a town that looked like where I came from. It was so funny. Whoever built Brisby's town knew the people who built mine. Both towns had the same atmosphere and everything. The houses looked like looking out of a window in my neighborhood, so that was the first funny part of my trip.

Brisby showed me to my room. I had a big room with a huge bed that was so comfortable and inviting. Everything was fantastic. I unpack my bag and put everything away. I didn't overpack. It was perfect.

Once settled, Brisby and I went to Walmart to pick up a few needed things. Once back at her place, we ended the night watching my first Anime movie. I may have fallen asleep through part of it. Brisby's youngest daughter may have timestamped when I started snoring.

I was relaxed for the first time in ages. It was the perfect first day of a vacation!

Help someone smile today. It can not hurt you.


All photos are mine unless otherwise stated.

Gif made by @Snook

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It is good to hear that you had a nice restful time on your vacation, that is what they are for.

My daughter and I flew to Massachusetts from Florida it cost us 50 dollars each round trip, she got a good deal on them, and like you she planned it in advance.

One of the planes we got on was not full when they announced that there would have to be so many people in the front, middle, and rear of the plane because it was finicky when not full. That was not a good feeling but we had no choice but to board it.

All four flights I was on we had to do the same thing as you. It was a little off-putting to me, too!! I think why even a week later, after being home, it came out in my writing.

January seems the best time to travel by plane :D I am so happy to hear you too got away for a little while!

How wonderful!!! So glad that you had such a lovely holiday with @brisby - sometimes we just need to break away from our lives for a little bit and regain some sanity and peace. I'm so happy you found it with a friendly face. Looking forward to part2! !LUV !ALIVE

It was just what I needed!!!

I will forever be grateful for those 10 days!!



You must be killin' it out here!
@brisby just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @snook.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/2 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

snook, samsmith1971 sent you LUV. 🙂 (2/10) tools | trade | connect | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

@snook! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ samsmith1971. (2/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

If I saw cats i always think and consider them as good luck

you would have loved it here. There were 3 cats :D

There is no fatigue more pleasant than the one when you return from a vacation in my opinion! And the roommate? Absolutely handsome!!!

I agree!!!
It was a wonderful trip!!

Enjoy your much deserved vacation! @snook

@tipu curate 3

Thank You! I did!!

I took the time off of using the internet to just relax. Now I am trying to get some of it written out so I have it to look back on later.


We all need a break. It feels so good to at least run away from the troubles of life for a while before we resume again. I’m very happy that you had a lovely vacation.
Make sure you do more of it
You need it!

I need to keep in mind that sometimes I need to come first. You are correct.

Sometimes all we need is a break from everything and have time to ourselves and I am happy you took the idea of visiting your friend and spending time there relieved you of stress.

It really was perfect!! and just what I needed!

I have really missed my vacation mode life 😔 due to academics

I hate to break it to you but once working it doesn't get much better.

YOU CAN eat a whole batch of cookie dough without baking it first though! :D

20 bucks for a blueberry is fukn outrageous.


I DIED when she told me the amount!
The problem was I could not walk any further where there was more food, and on the first flight, my tummy was acting weird, so I really needed to eat something plain.

The worst part was I didn't even eat all of it!


Think I'd of had to force feed myself. !LOLZ


I would like to thank my fingers.
I can always count on them

Credit: reddit
@snook, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of enginewitty

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

You must be killin' it out here!
@enginewitty just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @snook.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/4 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

snook, enginewitty sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/4) tools | trade | connect | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

A man tried to sell me a coffin today.
I told him that's the last thing I need.

Credit: reddit
@snook, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of enginewitty

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

First off, 🤗💞🤗!!!

I swear my cat *knows * when there's a camera around and poses on purpose. (All three have stolen your bed btw. 😆)

Murphy's Law was warned many times to NOT to screw around with your getting here. 😜 And, not only did you not overpack but you went back home with your bag lighter than when you came. 😁

The similarities between our houses and towns still cracks me up. Guess we were meant to find each other. 💋

You finally getting some WAY OVERDUE relaxation makes me so happy, hon. For all the years that you've been there for others, you completely needed time just for you. 🌸

LOVE YOU!!!! (And know that there's always a back room and a murder rug here should you want to get away again.) ❤️

I am one of the luckiest people in the world!

Thank You for being my friend and caring so much!!! I owe you BIG TIME!!! and really, the murder rug is now Cassie's problem LOLLL, but it did make for great storytelling and will for a long, long time!



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Thank you!!

Wes & Grindan

Thank You for all you two do!!

That’s awesome. Taking time to relax is important. Making friends on this platform has been a lot of fun. I’m so looking forward to our Vegas meet up again this year, it’s a great time.

Ohhhhhhhhhh! have a ball again this year!! I think it is very cool that you guys have done it so many years in a row!!

Nowadays where I stayed, going on vacation can really be expensive. I mean so expensive right now

I was very lucky and stayed at a friend's house.
There is no way I could have afforded to stay at a Hotel.

You truly deserved this time away, a relaxing vacation with a wonderful friend ❤️ who also make sure you well fedd 😁 LMAO
She is amazing and I am so happy you got the chance to meet and you had a Great time.
One day I Will make it over there to see you 2 beautiful ladies and I Will hug you and.. Hug you and... Hug you 🤗💋❤️🤗 lol
And tell you how amazing you are and how much I appriciate You.

Well deserved and you are so beautiful inside out Snook 🥰

LOVE YOU 💕💕💕💕💕

Getting back here late, but I guess now I can roll right to part 2 hehe

Gosh the last year has been so much, that I could feel in all your words how you felt packing, traveling... finally arriving, and just being able to set it all down AT LAST

My heart is already warm and there's more to read 😍

What was your first anime movie btw?