Honestly, I'm bewildered, dumbfounded, awestruck and confused.
I thought that I "knew" who @bluerthangreen was. I live next door to him now, hung out with him for years up in Wisconsin, worked with him, and now something like this happens.
I'm not really sure how to even process something like this. I borrowed his truck yesterday, and thought everything was going well... until I found this.
I think that the video says it all. What would you do? How should I handle this situation? Have you ever met someone with such dark secrets that they hid from you for years?
Honestly, I am not sure what to do about this, so any helpful advice that you could offer would be sincerely appreciated. Thanks.
here's the proof:As always, I'm @papa-pepper and
Until next time…
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It was stuck in there when he bought the truck?
No, I am sure it wasn't there before. Perhaps this is a new problem rather than a dark, old secret.
This is seriously dark. We will pray for @bluerthangreen. What on earth could have caused this? He had such a bright future still ahead of him... When your friend is in such deep trouble, don't let him go, this might be the exact moment he needs you the most.
You are correct, rather than running away from him screaming, now is the time that he needs me most. What kind of friend would I be if I turned my back on him now?
Please do pray for him.
Well, its Halloween.
I'd blame it on poltergeist, then swap it out for some old Merle Haggard to make sure the sound system is cleaned out.
Hahahahhaha i thought its some really serious matters but looks like @bluerthangreen is just a fan of celine dion . If I remember correctly the title of that song is Im your lady. Thumbs up for this @papa-pepper. By the way thanks for tour upvote the other day :)
How is being a Celine Dion fan NOT a serious matter?
Because its funny and looks like it doesnt suit him haha anyway you should confront him and asks him if he really is a fan of Celine. Ohh you are right it really looks like a serious matter after i saw the face of @bluerthangreen.
Very serious indeed.
Good point!
an exorcist or psychotherapist may be needed!
Comon pepper I know you started to like it too lol it suits you
Hahaha you are a master of entertainment and dry humor. Start with Arkansas's Got Talent. Thanks for the laugh today. Needed it.
Glad to hear that you enjoyed it!
Haha :0 It does look like maybe you enjoyed singing along a little much though, hmm? Perhaps a fellow secret fan ;)
No, no, no! You've got me all wrong!
Everyone has a secret passion for Celine. Just not everyone admits it. @ironshield
At least your passion for Celine is now forever documented on the blockchain. It may have been kind of a n00b move on your part, but you might want to learn your lesson!
Near, far, wherever you are, I believe that the blockchain goes on. @ironshield
I think we need to have an intervention before he spirals out if control.
Good point, how soon can you get here?
A few days. I am loading the holy water in the truck now.
OK I'll hold off for now. Lets hope your plan works for @bluerthangreen's sake. The priest told me this stuff really burns.
Okay, then I'll run to Texas with him quick first, I have an idea.
My advice : Throw that cassette into the fire.
Ummmm, but yet you knew the words to sing along?
sing-off to see who can hit the high notes the best? Perhaps you & @bluerthangreen should have a karaoke
Lol!!! That's a good idea!
I got a good chuckle out of that. You really played that off well. I was expecting the worst. The funny part is, you knew ever word. LOL
Not every word, just the chorus. Stoopid brain.
great job...thanks for shearing
Oh man that's a dark past indeed.... xD
TUNE!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha :')
I thought this was going to be seriously diabolical. Not as dark as I thought, but oooooooooo eeeeeeeeee! If you've never put a CD in the microwave before, I think this CD is the one to try it with.
Still dark enough IMHO.
Good idea, I was also thinking some crazy stuff man.
Lol that is pretty funny. Reminds me of Harold and kumar when they get in the punks truck and they have Wilson Phillips playing. Gotta give him a hard time
I'd blame it on my wife/significant other, but everyone is allowed at least one guilty pleasure right? Since it is the voice of an angle you are hearing in the radio.
LOL! I think you are giving Celine Dion a run for her money.
love it, what a great video. It's one of those songs you don't like but then the chorus comes on and well you did it yourself you started singing. Thank you for making me laugh.
i think you will be feeling relived now.... your burden has been shared...
secrets secrets^^ got to 💗💗💗 em...
Your friend may be a very romantic person @papa-pepper. In that video you sing a very good song. Your voice is very melodious @papa-pepper :-)
Well my advice to you is just accept it first and well it's not a problem well if it is a problem bean you not you do realise it earlier. It shows that is not any problems just be normal and carm.
Good God man..... Burn the truck, sell your house, move away and never, ever, EVER talk to him again. Hang on, you were singing along, I may have to unfollow you now!!
Lmfao I just laughed so hard!!!!! XDDDD
Glad to hear it!
there is no suggestion from me, because I really enjoy this song, very good song. hahahaha cool.
Although i was unable to watch the video but i have read your post,and i think i got a little idea of what you try to narrate in the video.
Human character is like a flame,you can never know it all and human are unpredictable. So the more you get close to them the more you discover some new things about them
I think you will feel calm because there are already in for, @papa-once studying my blog, I follow @papa-pepper let me add spirit in steemit, if @papa-pepper want to enter I was very happy and considered
Just say "Amazing"
I think @bluerthangreen just wanted to add some Canadian content to a @papper-pepper post. His diabolical plan worked perfectly!!!
The bigger question is ... how can you return the favour?
Lol! The favour?
He did treat you to some fantastic music. The least you could do is repaint any tools that he's lent you as a show of gratitude. Perhaps pink?
Will do!
I think the next song will be "My Heart Will Go On" :D
Everything happens for a reason. It was preordained that you join in belting out a good "cos I am your lady" this brisk fall morning to balance your yin with your yang.
I mean... I hate to say it, but the only justifiable thing to do here is to turn him in to the proper authorities. Sure, he may serve some time,at the very least be put into rehab, but as the friend you are, eventually he will come to see the error of his ways, and he will thank you for helping him get the help he needed in recovering from this tragic portion of his life.
There really is no other recourse in dealing with someone who owns such a horrible piece of music.
I think rehab may be the only reasonable action to take.
I agree, it may take some time for him to come to him senses...
🤣🤣🤣 utterly-dumbfounded! Great tag! Great idea! I have something to publish in this tag!😘😗😙😚🤗🤗
Have you looked in his closet for some stilettos and a dress?
He has great taste in MUSIC @papa-pepper :)
What's shocking is you knew the word and sang along. :D
@bilbop - it's not what you think!
Awesome song though!
I like Celine Dion. I'm not afraid to admit it. Such range, such power, such beauty...
I've never down-voted any post or comment, but this one is seriously making me think that it may be time.
Don't worry, this slight on one of today's most talented vocal artist won't go unpunished. There will be retribution!
@papa-pepper, I have to side with @bluerthangreen. Celine Dion is a very talented artist. Just listen to that voice. Feel the emotion she pours into her art, and just think, She shares that with us. I may not listen to her music often, but I sure don't skip to the next tune either. Anyway, that's my two cents. Steem on mates.
nice post..thank you for shahring
Damn, he is a secret Filipino!
Haha. Gotta love a closet Celine Dion fan....or maybe not so closet as he didn't hide the CD first. ;)
This is hilarious, you think you know a guy... I'm here for you man @papa-pepper if you need a virtual shoulder to cry on man!
That means a lot to me. I'll try a bit of rehab in the morning and see if it works out.
good idea, lol
Wow! I would have been shocked too. I love the tag utterly-dumbfounded
You should really ask for help for this guy. Maybe he's going through something that he don't want others to know.
I just got a stomach cramp from the laughing!! I was not expecting this at all! I think you buy a cd of something else and put it in there without him knowing!