Kiss launcher is an android app that allow you to customize your home screen. this app have some feature include fast, light, and easy to use. also kiss launcher using KISS Technology that allow users to save time and battery power.
I've made my own version for kiss launcher

Logo Variant

Color Variant

Different Size


Logo Comparison

Benefits / Improvements
when I see the kiss launcher logo, I see a very simple logo, and in my opinion do not reflect the application itself. Im trying to make logo that reflect the application. With K letter, im trying to introduce Kiss Launcher itself. Just with a thin line I represent a simple and clean shape, and also the green color will reflect something environmentally friendly, in this case the app will look lighter for the smartphone.
Proof of Work


Im using CorelDraw Graphic Suit X8
Original files
Find all source Here
I really appreciate if you want to give some criticisms and suggestions about the logo I've made
Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors
Do not Lupag Use Hastag Indonesia every post you
Good luck always..Very steady friends @wanaufa
Your contribution cannot be approved because it does not follow the Utopian Rules.
I was just going to warn you about it but it looks like you don't care about warnings.
If you don't update with logotype, its upvote going to be taken back in 24 hour!
You can contact us on Discord.
Thank you sir, the post has been changed, ill do better next time
Hello wanaufa, bagaimana cara ikut design di utopian io