Project Details
Airesis is an open source web application for E-Democracy. It is a citizen centered innovation that allows them to be active in the decision for their territories by listening and reading messages from other citizens or groups. User can make proposals in a shared way but maintaining their anonymity during the construction of the proposals. This application is very simple that will allow everyone to find the information they want in a short time. I help in translating this project because it will be of great help to user that is interested in E-Democracy.
Links related to the translation
Source Language
English is the source language of the project.
Translated Language
I have translated 1,102 Filipino words from its total size of 18,772 translatable English words
Number Of Words
I have translated 1,102 words to Filipino from English
Number of words translated on this contribution: 1,102
Translation Report
Proofread Words
All words that should be proofread was already approved.
Previous translation on the same project
**Number of words translated on the project before this report : 2,285
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Thank you for the contribution. It has been approved.
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