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RE: Tutorial: OAuth2 Access Tokens and Refresh Tokens with Steemconnect

in #utopian-io6 years ago (edited)

This is THE most helpful tutorial to exist. Thank you!

I do have one question though:
After requesting the refresh token with the code, my url only redirects with the same code. This is difficult to explain, but I am able to return all data except the refresh token. (CAN get username and access token)

This is my code:

router.get('/', function(req, res, next) {
    let code = req.query.code;
    if (code) {
        return rp({
            method: "POST",
            uri: "",
            body: {
                response_type: "refresh",
                code: code,
                client_id: "appname",
                client_secret: process.env.SC_CLIENT_SECRET,
                scope: "vote"
            json: true
        }).then((results) => {
            //let qs = "access_token=" + results.access_token + "&refresh_token=" + results.refresh_token + "&username=" + results.username;
            res.render('customize', { title: "appname", username: results.refresh_token, refresh_token: results.refresh_token });
              // results.refresh_token returns undefined?

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!


You used It returned a code in the query string, and that's what you're using for code, right?

The POST to /api/oauth2/tokenJSON response was valid? Do you have that? I just want to verify the structure.

I did use the url. Callback url went to: http://localhost:3000/customize?code=longcodeherebutpopulatedwithactualcode

I am having difficulty debugging in express, and my console.log statements aren't working, so I have no way to tell if the response was valid. Thanks for the quick response!
