Are you enjoying programming hacks through steemit's people? In this corner I am picking up IT News which I was interested from last week on December 23, 2018 though it is my server side & block chain engineer.
スティーミアンの皆様、Steemitを通じてのプログラミングハックを楽しんでいますでしょうか。本コーナーではサーバサイド&ブロックチェーンエンジニアであるtamito0201(たみと)が2018年12月23日に先週から気になっていたIT Newsをピックアップ致します。
I would like to make time to organize my head even while I am busy. I will also share information on technical articles as well as news articles that I care about and I will share information with everyone in steemian's.
※Please do not tolerate English because it is not so good at expressions.
- 1. テキストから感情分析するAIツール、ユーザーローカルが無償公開 いろいろ試してみた
AI tool to analyze emotion from text, User Local Co., Ltd. tried various free trials
It may be interesting to analyze feelings in Steemit's article.
- 2. eスポーツ市場は2022年にはおよそ100億円規模に、Gzブレイン調べ
e Sports market will be on the scale of about 10 billion yen in 2022.
I think that I want this area more like a league of Liga Española to develop into an interesting league.
- 3.治療方針や画像などを患者とシェアできる歯科医院向けシステム「メディカルBOX」
"Medical BOX" system for dental clinics that can share therapeutic policy and images with patients
Since the medical field is a closed world, it is an industry so I want it to be open more.
- 4.Apple Watchで心電図、米国で有効化--Appleニュース一気読み
ECG with Apple Watch, enabled in the United States
If there is an abnormality in the electrocardiogram, the world where an ambulance comes automatically will come.
- 5.VR手術シミュレーションの開発に向けて230万ドルを調達
Procure $ 2.3 million for VR surgery simulation development
First of all, I think that it will be introduced from the OJT of a new doctor's operation.
- 6.現代自動車、指紋でロック解除やエンジン始動ができる技術を開発--新型SUVに搭載へ
Hyundai Motor Develops Technology to Unlock and Start Engine with Fingerprints
Since there are many thefts of cars in the world, I think that we want you to introduce it with all the cars soon.
- 7.メイクアップに特化したスマートミラー「actiMirror」、テック・パワーが国内展開
Smart mirror "actiMirror" specializing in makeup, Tech Power Co., Ltd. develops domestically
I think that women will be pleased if you make up makeup while watching the way of makeup with a mirror.
- 8.メルカリ、ARグラス使い「ジェスチャーで検索」 CES2019でプロトタイプ公開
Mercari Corporation, AR Grass "Search by gesture" Prototype released with CES 2019
It is hoped that UI will be unified in the world.
- 9.定額で複数の家に住めるコリビングサービス「ADDress」が2019年4月に登場、会員受付開始
ADOress, a co-living service that allows people to live in multiple homes at a fixed price, appeared in April 2019 and membership acceptance started.
I want to use this.
- 10.知識なくても簡単にAI・IoTロボットを作成できるキット発売
Kits that can easily create AI · IoT robots without knowledge
I would like to have children play with this robot by all means.
News articles of services such as VR stand out in this week. VR has been put to practical use in all fields, exciting services are appearing. I also want to get Oculus and jump into the world of VR.
Please tell Steemian everyone if there is interesting news!
written by tamito0201
Block chain & web engineer.
A free engineer engaged in the development of business application in the fields of web applications and finance, securities, communication, etc. After that, I experienced building virtual currency platform, I fascinated the development of DAO and DApps using block chain technology, and keep on hacking every day.
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