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RE: .

in #utopian-io7 years ago

Thank you for including the python code in addition to the analysis. I have wondered about tagging utopian-io for posts that I am working on. Specifically if I share a personal exercise replicating and using a code sample I discover from posts like this. For example if I use the code you supplied, create a database of my own, and share my work, would that be accepted or down voted because it does not directly speak to a code example or exercise that directly applies to improving utopian-io? For now I have the impression it is better not to tag utopian-io for my personal code exercise sharings so as not to get flagged or offend anyone by using this tag. In time, when I get more familiar with utopian-io, perhaps I will be able to contribute posts that would be approvable and thus add to your dataset😊



Thank you for the clarification and guidance.