Sexy curves, or not?

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)

Sexy curves, or not?

Every taste in terms of the beauty ideal is different, but the beauty in society are often in the head, as you know it from the media only.
However, most people do not have the bulk who should have the supposed beauty ideal.
Are not these people pretty or not sexy?
No, every human being is different, and as long as you're satisfied nothing speaks against it.

If you look at old pictures from antiquity, the Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque or Rococo one will quickly realize that at that time the women were not very thin, but had their curves, which were felt at the time as Sexy.

The TV show "Curvy Models" shows that it is also different, women with curves in my opinion, a real woman radiate.

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I prefer curves :)

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When everyone is fat, skinny is pretty when everyone in skinny fat is pretty. Just like when everyone worked out side 'untanned' was praised when everyone works inside only rich are tanned. Human nature.