Suggestion To Add Two More Section To Utopian

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)


The suggestion is about all of the Utopian and its contribution pages.


Utopian is a open-source,contributer friendly project.There are a lots of categories for each different peoples such like bug hunting,suggestions etc. But there are also a tasks where you can request other contributers help.In this suggestion i suggest to add "Task-tutorials" and "Task-Ideas".Adding these two categories will help users to have help in two different sides.

Task tutorials

Users will be able to request a tutorial that they want to learn about.But not like a "how to join blablaapp".It should be a request to a proffesional tutorials such as for example ; Python series.

Task Ideas

This section will be only for project owners that who wants some help on their project.For example if a project owner of a music player needs an idea about their project they can use this section.If they wants to add some cool features to their own projects but not sure about what they exactly wants,they can use this section.




Adding these features will support the project owners more.Also peoples who wants to learn some kind of professional series,they can user task tutorials.

Link To My Github.


Hi, thank you for your contribution.

  • We used to have Task tutorials and Task Ideas.

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