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RE: Particle physics on Steem - let’s start coding on the MadAnalysis 5 platform

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)

early days :)
i doubt you're that ancient, i personally just have a lot of trouble with the required peacock dance in negotiations while everyone already knows what they want and you can just put the cards on the table lol. Some people seem to enjoy wasting time on hours and hours of conversation while you already know what the baseline is how far you will go and what exactly you want.
and it often gets me mistaken for rude , it does, but its just direct and doesnt fit in well with my sometimes prozaic and mostly chaotic nature i think its what people call "weird" :p
despite that, on the classic gary-gygax scale of disposition (which i think is a lot better than the standard one-dimensionel left-right people adhere to) i still think that despite appearences id come out as overall chaotic-good while it appears chaotic-neutral (old dungeons and dragons stuff from when life was different)


One always has to play the game of the people above us... This being said, each of us has early days. It consists just in the early stage of the career/life, somehow.