
It was kind of available by looking at the sub-categories of the translation file. They should definitely give more help to translators though.

I actually never paid attention to the file, in the way it was organized. ;)

Oh ok, nevermind then.
By the way, I hope I didn't upset you by correcting this file. It was definitely not my intention, I just wanted to change the mistakes as soon as possible so that new french speaking users would want to stay on here (since the website is automatically in french in France for example).

Me upset? no way :D

I actually asked to be able to improve the translation, but still no answer. Are you by any chance available on the steemit chat?

I just logged in on if that's what you meant by the steemit chat. My username is RagePeanut if you want to message me. I will let the window open from now on so feel free to message me anytime ;)

PS: on pourra parler français aussi :P

Adorable les deux @ragepeanut et @lemouth :)

Bravo @ragepeanut pour la correction si rapide ! Et surtout l'utilisation d'Utopian ! :D

à vite !

Merci, j'adore Utopian ! Je sais pas si t'as vu la valeur de ce qui leur est délégué au total, ça a de quoi donner le tournis !

Okay message sent :)