QKSMS brings a refreshingly beautiful and responsive Material Design touch to the stale state of text messaging. In a world with clunky SMS and MMS apps cluttered with bloat and ads, QKSMS is something to get excited about.

I have used Arial font.

I think the new logo is attractive and modern. It's now in the era of design. Previous looks very ordinary and simple. It's better now. It will affect the people visiting the application page. I added the letter Q. I added the recipient and message formats to the logo.

I used Adobe Illustrator CS6 to design for the new logo. And Proof of my works.

Posted on Utopian.io - Rewarding Open Source Contributors
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You do not understand it's not the letter q. I do not understand that this sharing is brain-shaped.
I've added all sizes. and you ?
I'm not a moderator, but do not do wrong. you must be honest. many contributions have not been approved until now. and I follow what the moderators have drawn. you want to give yourself a lot of approval.
where are the other moderators? why this moderator is always checking.
@espoem @podanrj @fabiyamada @justamban @nilfanif @andrejcibik @cnts @radudangratian
other shares that do not get approval. I'm really bored.
https://steemit.com/utopian-io/@klavydelikanlisi/a-new-logo-icon-for-maps-me-cevrimdisi-haritalari https://steemit.com/utopian-io/@klavydelikanlisi/my-logo-contribution-proposed-new-logo-for-stepik-free-courses https://steemit.com/utopian-io/@klavydelikanlisi/my-logo-contribution-proposed-new-logo-for-opentasks https://steemit.com/utopian-io/@klavydelikanlisi/32nn8i-my-logo-contribution-proposed-new-logo-for-opentasks
Everyone has their own style. but however,
a logo does have guidelines
. so, we only work to review whether your design is in accordance with the guidelines and suitable to be submitted to the project. we expect each contributor to understanding about this situation. this is not about the design style you understand, but it's about the global design style that should be in it. Hope this can helps you in this situation. thanks.Hi Hi @klavydelikanlisi. sorry before, I see here is an omega symbol. Very unfortunate when you come and violate us who review your entry.