This is my contribution to steemlinke a platform for professional freelancers, is an alternative to linkedIn and fiverr that allows users to connect and communicate with each otherthe. User @aneilpatel is in search of a logo for the app of this platform.
Color - blue or a shade of blue Illustration - logo should illustrate connected people(as mentioned in the example logo) although not mandatory. Designer can use their creativity.
Github Repositories
Logo N°1


Logo N°2



All the files are in the drive
Download Files
Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors


Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors
Your contribution cannot be approved because it does not follow the Utopian Rules.
HARD rules broken:
No logotype provide (horyzontal and vertical) in PNG and VECTOR file.
No Proof of work is done by you
No benefit at all.
if you provide some logo, here some example how to provided logos
Remember Add PNG and Vector files in your source file, all logos that can be used directly by the project owner. And monochrome and full-color versions must be provided in the vector files. Learn here how to provide the original file.
You can contact us on Discord.
Thank you @jesdn16 for the contribution. Stay tuned for updates on the results
Ok thanks :D
Thank you for the contribution. It has been approved.
You can contact us on Discord.