My Suggestion and Request on BeeFun by Hengcong Weng

Find everyday trending repository,search developer and repository, search everything you want.
Notification, Event and Issue, Nothing escape.
Star awesome repository, Focus on new black technology. Add Tag for Star repository.
View repository and user details.
Simple, easy to use.

I would like to suggest and request the following:
- An additional of notification of "NO REPOSITORIES FOUND" if there is no repositories on that project you have search.
Mockups / Examples
This is the edited photo of my request:

The benefits once my proposal for this application will be fulfilled:
- An additional of notification, the users will no longer wait for nothing.
- Adding notification, information will be provided to users if it has no repositories.
- It will become easy to use.
- The system in the Beefun will be upgraded and improved.
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