Need a logo for Travel-It iOS App

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)


Travel-It is an open source iOS made for Steemit travel bloggers. It shows trending posts from travel category. This app is created to help minnows who used travel niche on Steemit. I am developing this app and currently i require a LOGO for my app. I am planning to use that logo at some screens of app.

What i am want in detail

As my app is travel blogging based so i need a logo which represents travel blogging but my app also based on Steemit, so the logo must contain some steemit part (just use steemit logo colour in logo not whole logo) also. Basically i need a travel blogging related logo with steemit logo colours.


Contribution acceptance start from 27 march and stays till 28 march means that only contributions submitted between 27 Mar and 28 March (in UTC) may be considered because if i increase time frame then it will be difficult for me to choose one from too many contributions.


If you have any doubts or wanna ask me something more about the project and other issues then you can contact me on the issuses page on Github, you can make a shout here on comments or on just ping me on Discord by adding me (iamankit#4227) or you can also found me on Utopian discord.

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors


Thank you for the task request. It has been approved in Utopian.

I will just repeat that only contributions submitted on 27 and 28 March (the time of submission will be taken according to UTC, which can be checked via steemd or steemdb) may be considered for the Utopian reward.

For the contributors:

Get in touch with @iamankit to get more information if needed and consult your designs with him.

You can contact us on Discord.

Hey @espoem, I just gave you a tip for your hard work on moderation. Upvote this comment to support the utopian moderators and increase your future rewards!

thank you so much sir !

As utopian decided to limit upvotes to 3. And the chances of winning because of moderators not beeing impartial I stopt work on your logo. Just as i stopt work on all my future contributions. I do however can send you my initial concept. If for a miracle you want me to work on it to be used feel free to send me a message on discord or steem.


sad to hear this, but thanks for giving your valuable time for my app.

Sad to hear but I hope you'd still contribute bro if you have free time since the 3 upvote limit is just for task request. We can still get upvotes by communicating with project owners first and have the design accepted before posting.

Hi, check out my design logo for you, hope you like it :)


How about these? Which among the three versions do you prefer? I will submit the preferred one in full sizes and color variations on the specified date.


i think the second one is better...

Okay, I'll pick the second one. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. Thanks.

actually i want something like a logo which will come on app screens... these looks like app icons

I see. So you want the app screen logo and app icon to be different?

currently i just want a logo. App icon is a later thing.

"travel app logo" first result:

Thanks for showing me this. I wasn't aware and it's indeed very similar. I'll modify my design.

thanks it's amazing..

First result on google images :) Not my work. Just pointing out similarity to above design.

mockup_2.pngHello @iamankit! I have to modify the design because there's something very similar that already exists. Which one of these do you prefer?

Hello, your Discord user is iamankit#4227, fix it so other users can find you. (Y)

nice catch... thankyou sir. fixed it.

What do you think?


My contribution is here.

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Greetings! I have a question for you, when you talk about adding some part of the Steemit Logo, do you talk about the old -Steemit Logo- or the new one? Because, I've seen proposals when the old one is included and I don't understand why since it's not the mark that identifies 'Steemit' as a platform anymore, however I'd like you to clarify please.

I want from new one and one more thing i just want colour from logo.

Thanks for the information :)

I'm going to make a logo for you, give us the size requirement.Thanks for the task Request @iamankit,

Hi @iamankit, what about this?


nice man! but i want current green colour of steemit logo

I'll fix it. Thanks buddy

@iamankit plz check my Design

@mdnazmulhasan please read the post carefully... i write contributions submitted from 27 to 28 march (UTC) are acceptable.

it's too late I am so sorry for my mistake. what I doing now???

You submitted too early. If it's allowed, you may edit your post for another contribution and reserve this work for submission on the specified time frame. By the way, I like your logo a lot but the tail of the airplane maybe a little bit hard to see in smaller sizes.

thanks for your effort but entries from 27 to 28 march (utc) are acceptable. I think you dont read the task request proper.

i will re entry the post on 27-28 march..thankyou for reminding..

cool ! good luck


  • I'll just keep a spot here, seem like I was a bit too fast. Nice project tho.

You have to submit on the dates they mentioned, otherwise, they will reject it.

Hey, thanks for the check.

V letter on Travel-it looks like U letter. Its confusing meaning "Trauel-it"

You are right, got to fix that.



Link to my contribution here

I catch you on time, Just working On it
and submit my working with final design soon
I am updating my old Comment, here is my submission for the Task
And Post Link

This is my contribution to your task request, sir. Hope you like it.

I think you have too much detailed. The logo will not be visible when the icon is reduced like 40px, but it look nice. I just share my opinion :)

Steemit logo have license, you cant use it without their permission.

Edited Post for correction

i don't think so...just colour is different

You can read on Steem Bluepaper

You use their logo, and just change one color. If you have permission to use it, keep goin on. :)

okay I have to do it again :) So sorry

Contribution for your project, I hope it fullfills with your requirements.Hi fellow @iamankit ! Here is my

Hello, Sir. I've created logo proposal for your task request. Hope you like it :)


This looks very similar to google map logo.

Lol 😹

This is my proposal for your project. The full contribution can be found here.

Hi, Im not gonna finish this as the contribution, just throwing it here for inspiration.


Cool! May I ask what font is this?

It is Montserrat google font with rounded corners on "t" and "l" and minor changes.

Thanks! I might use it in the future.