steemsnippets is a project that I really like but with my work with steempress and since I've covered most of the usual snippets I don't get to add new snippets very often.
But recently I added a big one and so I figured I'd do a post to let you guys know about the new snippets that I've been adding over the last month.
Special mention to @tdre who submitted two pull requests to add a snippet and fix various things :)
New snippets :
Get active votes
By "active votes" I mean "votes on posts that are awaiting payout". This was harder than expected. Because you can't just look at the date of the vote and be like "ok this vote is younger than 7 days so it's active". Because if you vote on a 5 days old post, your vote will be 3 days old when the post will get its payout.
So I had to go for this workflow :
- get all the votes of one account
- Look at those who are younger then 6 days
- Look at the posts of those votes and check their ages
- If these posts are younger than 6 days THEN we add them to the "active posts" list.
I check the date of the votes first so I don't have to look over every single post but rather only the one we suspect to be active.
Power up
This snippet allows you to easily power up from your balance to steem, I needed that for the https://github.com/drov0/Steem-reward-manager
It's really straightforward, just make sure that the "amount" field follow the steem way of writing things : it must be written like this : x.xxx unit eg : '1.265 STEEM' or '0.010 STEEM'
Get lastest posts
Made by @tdre
This snippet allows you to query the blockchain to get the latest posts of a tag. This is very usefull if you want to try to make a statistics bots or create your own front end.
What's really important here is that the query is documented.
The project is open source so feel free to submit pull requests with your own snippets :)
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Thanks !
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Hey, @howo!
Would be nice if you included a link to a project overview into article's header. I just came across and can't get what SteemSnipets are for so easily.
Ah ! That's very true ! I kinda forgot to write that.
You can find all the infos about the project here : https://steemit.com/programming/@howo/introducting-steemsnippets
Wow! These are pretty powerful chunks of code! Great community support.
Thanks ! I struggled so much to make stuff work when I started coding steem stuff that I was like "People need to have easy to use snippets"
Thank you for good post, very useful..
I'm still a bit new to Steemit and don't really understand the importance of the voting age snippet. Could you maybe explain it a bit more? Why does it matter that the post pays out 3 days before your vote?
Hey @howo I am @utopian-io. I have just upvoted you!
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ummmm I had not thought about it before, it seems like an excellent idea