Translation of "CODEA" from English to Chinese Traditional

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)

Hello there,

I was engaged in doing the project of translation English to Chinese traditional for project of "CODEA".
This is a project of iPad app for coding games and simulations.

You can find the project link as below:

I have fully translated (100%) this project from English into Chinese Traditional.

Snapshot shown below is the work before and after:

Before my work, "index.html" file was at 6%

After my work, "index.html" file completed at 100%

Example of words that I have translated

Translation File Language Time
⌘] 或 ⌘I 反向縮進 index.html Chinese Traditional 10:06 PM
⌘/ 或 ⌘- 創建註釋行 index.html Chinese Traditional 10:04 PM
⌘/ 或 ⌘- 創建註釋行 index.html Chinese Traditional 10:03 PM
⌘ [或 ⌘O 縮進代碼 index.html Chinese Traditional 10:02 PM
⌘] 或 ⌘I 反向縮進 index.html Chinese Traditional 10:02 PM
⌘⇧[ 或 ⌘⇧O 上一個選項卡 index.html Chinese Traditional 10:01 PM
⌘⇧] 或 ⌘⇧I 下一個選項卡 index.html Chinese Traditional 10:00 PM
功能 orientationChanged (newOrientation) index.html Chinese Traditional 09:59 PM
您可能需要得知旋轉的發生來讓您的程序重新進行用戶界面的佈局。 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:58 PM
部署这个函数来获取屏幕方向改变的通知,一般来说,这是由于用户旋转了设备,屏幕根据重力感应自动旋转。 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:58 PM
如果您使用了物理模擬API,並且希望獲取兩個物體之間的準確碰撞信息。那麼您應該部署這個函數 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:58 PM
功能碰撞(聯繫) index.html Chinese Traditional 09:57 PM
當您使用showKeyboard()顯示了軟鍵盤後,按下任何一個鍵,這個函數都會被執行。 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:57 PM
功能鍵盤(鍵) index.html Chinese Traditional 09:56 PM
此函數在屏幕上觸摸狀態改變時接收信息,無論觸摸是開始,停止,還是正在拖動。您可以通過這個函數來實現多點觸控,來完成複雜的觸摸用戶交互。 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:56 PM
觸摸功能(觸摸) index.html Chinese Traditional 09:56 PM
然而,除此以外還有一些其它函數,在發生特定更改時同樣可以自動接受信息。 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:55 PM
它們將會被Codea所自動調用來完成您程序的初始化和繪圖工作。 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:55 PM
您的新程序會默認包含以下兩個函數setup() draw()。 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:55 PM
Codea所中的全局函數 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:52 PM
Codea所基礎知識 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:52 PM
⌘[或⌘O上一個選項卡 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:48 PM
⌘或⌘I反向縮進 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:47 PM
⌘B創建新的空白文件 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:47 PM
⌘N創建新類 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:46 PM
⌘W關閉項目 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:46 PM
您也可以通過輕點然後向外拖動的方法快速選取一個數學符號。 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:45 PM
⌘D顯示參考文檔 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:43 PM
⌘F搜索項目 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:42 PM
⌘R運行項目 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:42 PM
當您使用藍牙鍵盤時,可以使用以下快捷方式 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:41 PM
藍牙鍵盤快捷方式 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:40 PM
您也可以通過長按標籤按鈕來錄入一個反向大括號。 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:40 PM
當選取了一些文本時,選項卡按鈕將變為這樣。此時輕點它將會完成整段縮進。 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:39 PM
請注意數學功能版中的方括號和大括號也有這樣的功能。 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:35 PM
也就是說,當您按下了括號或者引號按鍵,您已經選中的文本會自動包含在括號或者引號裡面。 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:35 PM
如果您已經選擇了一些文本,那麼它們就會有如下改變。 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:34 PM
這些按鈕會插入一對引號或者括號,並且在插入完成後,自動把光標定位到中間來方便您的鍵入 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:33 PM


index.html Chinese Traditional 09:32 PM
您也可以通過輕點這個鍵的左右邊緣來把光標向左或者向右移動一個格。 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:31 PM
輕點並拖動來移動您的光標。 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:30 PM
光標定位 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:30 PM
這能夠在您處理名字很長的變量時為您節省時間,比如,處理 self.position index.html Chinese Traditional 09:29 PM
a = a + index.html Chinese Traditional 09:29 PM
按下 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:29 PM
a index.html Chinese Traditional 09:28 PM
Lua不提供此运算符,然而您可以通过使用 按钮来扩充您键入的符号。 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:28 PM
也就是說, a + = b </ 0>其實是 a = a + b </ 0>的縮寫 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:28 PM
在多數程序語言中,這是通過 + = </ 0>運算符來實現的。 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:27 PM
一般一個模擬或者遊戲中都會有一個隨著時間改變的值。 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:26 PM
加 - 等快捷鍵 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:26 PM
輕點數學功能按鍵來獲取常用的數學和邏輯表達符號。 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:17 PM
數學功能板 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:17 PM
您可以點擊一個建議來使用它,也可以點擊按鈕按鍵<0 />來快速使用第一個建議。 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:17 PM
當您輸入時,Codea所會自動在軟鍵盤上方預測您可能的輸入。 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:16 PM
Tab按钮和自动完成 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:15 PM
輕點運行按鈕來即刻執行您的代碼 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:13 PM
點擊參考文檔按鈕<0 />來隨時訪問Codea內置的參考文檔。 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:11 PM
參考文檔 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:11 PM
輕點搜索按鈕來執行搜索和替換 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:10 PM
搜索和替換 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:09 PM
當您打字的時候,您可能會注意到代碼編輯器中的小圓點,您可以通過拖拽它的方式來完成對於文本的快速選擇。 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:09 PM
快速選擇器 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:09 PM
輕點高亮區域您可以通過圖形化的色彩選擇器選擇您的圖片,音樂等等素材。 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:08 PM
當您使用sprite(),music(),sound()或者shader()函數時,您會發現自變量部分以高亮顯示。 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:04 PM
素材選擇器 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:03 PM
函數中需要使用顏色變量的地方將高亮顯示。輕點高亮部分,您可以從一個可視化的顏色選擇器中選擇顏色。 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:03 PM
色彩選擇器 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:00 PM
鍵盤上的任何鍵在右上角有一個圓圈的, 都可以長按。然後, 您可以拖動您的手指, 以選擇替代符號和功能。 index.html Chinese Traditional 09:00 PM
鍵盤彈出鍵 index.html Chinese Traditional 08:57 PM
點選並按住標籤以重命名或刪除它。 index.html Chinese Traditional 08:57 PM
删除和重命名文檔 index.html Chinese Traditional 08:56 PM
點擊編輯器右上角的加號來新建一個文檔或一個類模板 index.html Chinese Traditional 08:55 PM
編輯器基礎知識 index.html Chinese Traditional 08:53 PM
點選並緊握用户專案以刪除或複製它。 index.html Chinese Traditional 08:52 PM
點擊這裡進入Codea論壇(英語)。與其他用戶交流、提問、分享代碼 index.html Chinese Traditional 08:50 PM

( I was translated 758 words in index.html file, due to the reason of it has completed 100% translation, I moved the translation work in Localizable.strings. So far I have translated 255 words in this project, making up total of 1013 words, please see the attached and sample of translations below, thank you!)
Before the translation in Localizable.string (31%)

After the translation in Localizable.string (47%)

Sample of words translated
Translation File Language Time
展示動畫函數吐溫的用法,通過使用不同的參數對變量實行不同的累加方式。 Localizable.strings Chinese Traditional 09:04 AM
拼單詞 - 通過拖動改變字母順序,拼成列表中的單詞。由Andrew Stacey創作 Localizable.strings Chinese Traditional 09:04 AM
一個關於在Codea中使用3D渲染的示例。展示了一些基本的渲染和畫刷,由James Frost創作。 Localizable.strings Chinese Traditional 09:04 AM
如果您運行示例項目的時候出現了問題,您可以隨時使用右上角的設置圖標進行代碼恢復與升級。 Localizable.strings Chinese Traditional 09:03 AM
之後進行 Localizable.strings Chinese Traditional 09:03 AM
稍後 Localizable.strings Chinese Traditional 09:03 AM
還原 Localizable.strings Chinese Traditional 09:02 AM
這個版本的Codea使用了Lua 5.3。一些舊的示例項目代碼將不再兼容,所以這些項目需要被升級。請問您現在需要將所有的示例項目代碼恢復原狀並進行升級嗎? Localizable.strings Chinese Traditional 09:02 AM
請請確保您已經連接了一個可用的無線網絡 Localizable.strings Chinese Traditional 09:02 AM
服務器創建錯誤 Localizable.strings Chinese Traditional 09:02 AM
新文本文件 Localizable.strings Chinese Traditional 09:01 AM
覆寫 Localizable.strings Chinese Traditional 09:01 AM
跳過 Localizable.strings Chinese Traditional 09:01 AM
素材名不可用 Localizable.strings Chinese Traditional 09:00 AM
沒有此類型素材 Localizable.strings Chinese Traditional 09:00 AM
當前目錄下有一個或者多個同名文件,請您選擇覆蓋或者跳過。 Localizable.strings Chinese Traditional 08:59 AM
素材已經存在 Localizable.strings Chinese Traditional 08:59 AM
請選擇需要拷貝的素材 Localizable.strings Chinese Traditional 08:58 AM
尚未選中 Localizable.strings Chinese Traditional 08:58 AM
增加 Localizable.strings Chinese Traditional 08:58 AM
請選擇目標素材包 Localizable.strings Chinese Traditional 08:58 AM
增加素材 Localizable.strings Chinese Traditional 08:58 AM
請您在使用前下載 Localizable.strings Chinese Traditional 08:57 AM
尚未下載 Localizable.strings Chinese Traditional 08:57 AM
生成程序性聲音 Localizable.strings Chinese Traditional 08:57 AM
您確定要刪除嗎? Localizable.strings Chinese Traditional 08:57 AM
刪除項目 Localizable.strings Chinese Traditional 08:56 AM
已經存在同名文件夾 Localizable.strings Chinese Traditional 08:56 AM
項目名稱不能包含'/' Localizable.strings Chinese Traditional 08:56 AM
項目已成功複製 Localizable.strings Chinese Traditional 08:53 AM
將您剪貼板內的內容粘貼,並用這些內容創建一個新項目 Localizable.strings Chinese Traditional 08:52 AM
學習例程 Localizable.strings Chinese Traditional 08:52 AM
教程 Localizable.strings Chinese Traditional 08:51 AM
演示項目 Localizable.strings Chinese Traditional 08:51 AM
基本項目 Localizable.strings Chinese Traditional 08:51 AM
高級項目 Localizable.strings Chinese Traditional 08:51 AM
遊戲 Localizable.strings Chinese Traditional 08:50 AM
游戏 Localizable.strings Chinese Traditional 08:50 AM
高级 项目 Localizable.strings Chinese Traditional 08:50 AM
基本 项目 Localizable.strings Chinese Traditional 08:39 AM

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors


Your contribution cannot be approved yet because the translation does not meet the minimum requirement of 10% for big projects or a minimum of 1000 words. Please work on a few more percentage to get the minimum requirement. See the Utopian Rules. Please edit your contribution and add try to improve the length and detail of your contribution (or add more images/mockups/screenshots), to reapply for approval.

You may edit your post here, as shown below:

You can contact us on Discord.

Hi @rosatravels, I was translated 758 words in index.html file, due to the reason of it has completed 100% translation, I moved the translation work in Localizable.strings. So far I have translated 255 words in this project, making up total of 1013 words, please see the attached and sample of translations in the post, thank you!

Why do you do chinese translation because you say that you are not from chines country?

I was translated 758 words in index.html file, due to the reason of it has completed 100% translation, I moved the translation work in Localizable.strings. So far I have translated 255 words in this project, making up total of 1013 words, please see the attached and sample of translations in the post, thank you!

Your contribution cannot be approved because it does not follow the Utopian Rules.
You are not from china country and do chinese translation.

You can contact us on Discord.

@yandot, only a person from China then they can do the translation in Chinese? or a person that proficient and capable of doing the translation in Chinese they're qualify?

okay, let @rosatravels check your translation is it accurate, if yes he we will approve your contribution

Your contribution cannot be approved yet. Please check over your translation work for accuracy and reapply for approval.