The 1UP Report: Integration into Steem-Plus

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)


The 1UP project is a curation trail for quality posts on All 1UP upvotes take place before the official @utopian-io bot upvotes the contribution and therefor create pretty profitable curation rewards for all followers of the trail. In this report you learn all about the latest development of the idea.

1UP Intro!
How to follow the Trail


1UP and Steem-Plus Everyone will be able to participate and cure the best quality contributions and most relevant posts of the day.Up until now the 1UP trail has been managed manually by myself which was a lot of work and very subjective. The goal of 1UP however, is to democritize the system and make it much faster and more efficiant. The solution comes from a well-known Steemian: @stoodkev, developer of @steem-plus, has agreed on integrating 1UP into his popular browser extension. That means that we will get an automated 1UP functionality directly on


How it Works

For starters we begin by adding a 1UP button next to the regular upvote function. Every user will have ONE 1UP once a day to give to any article posted via the website. Self-votes will not be possible. All posts that received a 1UP will be added to a special 1UP trending page. The amount of 1UP's will define the position on the list. The post with the most 1UP's will be at the top. The active list will be resetted after the official @utopian-io bot has upvoted all contributions. I call this Phase 1 (now is Phase 0).

(GIF credit @orelmely)

This will already make it much easier for everyone to find great Utopian posts. For 1UP itself it will be a step into the right direction but not yet quite ideal. The problem with this approach is that at some point the 1UP needs to be given. If we wait shortly before the @utopian-io bot upvotes then there will be most likely many upvotes already on the post which reduces the curation rewards for the trail and therefor make it financially less interesting for everyone to follow the trail in the first place.

To avoid this I propose an entirely automated system that triggers a 1UP when it reaches a critical mass. If a number X of 1UPs have been given to a single post it could trigger an upvote. The hive mind would decide and the trail would just follow. This is much better than a single person playing a critic. It would become something like a Metacritic and multiply the Proof-of-Brain effect. Of course this would allow for gaming and abuse but we could counter that with close observation and potential bans. We could also just let Utopian contributors use the 1UP button because they have already proven to follow the Utopian rules. Developing a system like this will be Phase 2.


Your Feedback Is Wanted

You see yourself that the system is not quite there yet and needs some more thinking before we can tackle Phase 2. There are still questions to be solved and I would like to discuss them with you.

  • What mechanic could be useful to automate this process?
  • If automated should all 1UPs given automatically or some reserved for manual curation?
  • What potential danger you see in this system?
  • Should the trail try to upvote early for max rewards or wait before the utopian-io bot upvote for simpler execution?
  • How can 1UP attract more trail followers and make the upvote become a big whale bonus for the receiver?
  • How can we avoid gaming and abuse?
  • What feature would you like to see to make this system a true valuable addition to the Utopian project?

(GIF credit @orelmely)

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors


I just tried to register on steemauto and it asked me for my email and to create a password and then it asked for 0.001 SBD and to put the given code in the memo and to try again after that. I did all this and I think it doesn't work. There was a 0 in the memo. I hope it wasn't really an O. Anyway, I'll try and log in again and as it may take some time but if it locks me out again, I'll try and register at the other site.

That was it. The O was in fact a 0. I had to send a second 0.001 SBD with the corrected memo and now I'm registered.

to keep going. Are either choices just as good?All right now it gives me a choice to use either @steemconnect or @steemauto

Steemit is so complicated and you're always on the cutting edge of the developments here and I have so little time that I think it would be worth it if I eliminated all my 'follow' but you and a handful of others.

SteemConnect is always the best choice. They are a 3rd party app from the developers and open source. It is very secure and trustworthy.

Yeah, the following can easily get overhand!

Interesting concept, love the idea and the logo haha.

I hope we can make it a reality. Do you have any suggestions for the project?

Maybe get someone to do a demo of it on Dtube.

There is no demo and nothing coded yet. I was referring to the question I asked in the article.

Nice one dear

sweet that logo reminds alot of childhood memories

I haven't the 1UP button but i've steemplus

You cannot have the button yet because it hasn't been programmed yet. ;)

Thank you for the contribution. It has been approved.

You can contact us on Discord.

Hey @flauwy I am @utopian-io. I have just upvoted you!


  • You are generating more rewards than average for this category. Super!;)
  • Seems like you contribute quite often. AMAZING!


  • Contribute more often to get higher and higher rewards. I wish to see you often!
  • Work on your followers to increase the votes/rewards. I follow what humans do and my vote is mainly based on that. Good luck!

Get Noticed!

  • Did you know project owners can manually vote with their own voting power or by voting power delegated to their projects? Ask the project owner to review your contributions!

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