SteemPress: The First Open Source Wordpress Plugin for Steem Integration - Developers Wanted!

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)


This is a software proposal for a Wordpress plugin to merge with the Steem blockchain. Developers can earn rewards by posting their contributions via the Utopian system.


Today over 60 million websites are running WordPress as their foundation. SteemPress integrates the Steem blockchain functions into the most popular website management system. Content producers get an easy access to connect their own businesses, communities and ecosystems with the near endless possibilities of WordPress and the cryptocurrency reward system of Steem. And with the upcoming Smart Media Tokens based on Steem the users can create their own tokens and use of them instead of the Steem mother coin.



This list is merely a collection of ideas from the perspective of a 9-year long experience with WordPress. I am not a developer myself and just learned how to handle WordPress with plugins, html and CSS. Understanding Javascript, SteemJ, PhP and other relevant languages for this task is not among my skillsets (yet). Please forgive my ignorance in these matters in case some of my feature requests might be impossible or too complex.

Login with SteemConnect

To get access to the Steem blockchain the users need to be able to login with their posting keys. The safest way to do that is using SteemConnect from the developers. I am uncertain what the best method here would be. The Steem account could be merged with a WordPress user account to allow for seamless integration with non-Steem functions like webshops for example.

(Image Source)

Posting to the Steem blockchain

Instead of going to Steemit or any other Steem-based website you can create and post directly from your own WordPress page. For that the WordPress editor can be used or any other plugin editor like the super popular Visual Editor “Divi” from Elegant Themes. That might result in a dysfunctional look for the Steem post when read outside of the user’s website, which is acceptable in my opinion.

An auto-generated link on top of the post could send readers from Steemit & Co. to the authors website where the content is intended to be consumed.

The posting options should include the common payout methods (100%, 50/50 and No Payout).

One or more Beneficiaries can be set to receive a percentage of the payout without any service fees.

5 Tags can be set for the post (Default main tag can be set in plugin settings).

Upvote own post option (Default can be set in settings).

The Post could be stored in the WordPress database as a portfolio project which allows for separate posting outside of the Steem blockchain via the regular posts.


Scheduling of posts

WordPress offers a schedule function for posts which is very helpful for website owners. offers such a service for the Steem blockchain, so it should be possible.


Editing of posts

As long as the post is still active WordPress should offer the possibility to edit the post.

Displaying of the Post

On the frontend the post will be rendered according to the WordPress theme and plugins running on the website. The Meta Data of the post could contain the upvote function, the amount of upvotes and the amount of blockchain views. Some users might prefer the actual views on their own website instead. Maybe this could be set in the settings as either/or with blockchain views as default.
In the backend all Steem posts should have additional info showing the metadata for payout, votes and views, next to the amount of comments.


Replacing WordPress comments with Steem comments

For each Steem post the according blockchain comments replace the default comment function in the style of the WordPress theme.

The upvote function for comments should work similar to Steemit. Downvoting should be a setting option which is deactivated by default, since many website owners probably don’t want to have such a function active.

The amount of comment upvotes should be displayed as well.

The comments should be ordered by default like on Steemit with the highest upvote first. For this a live switch would be great, where the order changes visually and not just after a page refresh. Further sorting options should be displayed above the comments, like oldest or newest or most replies.


Multiple Authors

Using SteemConnect it should be easy to allow multiple authors for different posts (not the same, that is regulated with beneficiaries). I assume this should be connected with the Wordpress user database without ever compromising the user keys but to allow for a proper logging of who posted what.


WordPress already handles thumbnails very well. If there is no extra thumbnail defined the first image will be pulled. Otherwise a special thumbnail can be set using the thumbnail function from Wordpress. This thumbnail must probably be posted outside of the Steem blockchain and is used only on the websites database. But this is just an assumption and might be better stored on the blockchain as well for continuity.


This is just the beginning

All of the above features are just the first fundamental functions that came to my mind. I already have further ideas which could work great on WordPress but one step after another. Since this is an Open Project everyone is welcome to add new features and improvements and we can discuss things together to see what makes the best sense.



Creating Open Source software like this requires a time investment of all participating parties. Luckily, the website is rewarding all kind of contributions to Open Source GitHub projects by using the Steem blockchain itself. Currently Utopian has over 3250$ upvote power every single day for the entire community. Contributions in form of code, designs, translations, bug hunting, tutorials and more receive a fair amount of that money distributed among all users contributing to various projects. If you contribute a little bit every day you can make a considerable amount each month and probably even pay your bills with it. If we all work together we can make this plugin a reality in no time.

(Image Source)

If you are interested in the project please join the Discord chat.There are great posts on the @Utopian-io Steem account explaining all the mechanics and recent news. Utopian has become one of the hottest projects on Steemit and grows very quickly.

Please let me know what you think about this project.

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors


what plugin how about a whole template?

You mean a WordPress theme? I was thinking about that but I am already running the most sophisticated theme in the world and whatever happens here it would not work for me. However, a general light-weighted theme with Steem integration woul dbe the next logical step AFTER a plugin. There are just too many people out there who will not swap themes because it would be a desaster of work load.

the problem is the wordpress core gets updated so often the plugins have to be rewritten regularly but you could use the bootstrap javascript which is really cool for animation whatever
The real reason is vulnerability you want to limit amount of pluggins to as few possible because they can be the source of many problems. anyways what do i know LOL :) Also switching themes is easier than changing your socks, new themes are what Wordpress is all about, just supply us with a javascript file.js to add functionality that's built in to select pages like .. mtlprive

Hey @flauwy I am @utopian-io. I have just upvoted you at 35% Power!


  • WOW WOW WOW People loved what you did here. GREAT JOB!
  • Seems like you contribute quite often. AMAZING!

Did you know?

  • I am going to become the first Steem Community-Driven Witness. Follow me to know when!
    Up-vote this comment to grow my power and help Open Source contributions like this one. Want to chat? Join me on Discord

Many bloggers that are already familiar with Wordpress and now also blogging on Steemit will be interested in the SteemPress project. All the best in getting this project off the ground!

I really hope that it will get some movement. :)

Lovin it...upvoted and followed.

Thanks for this great and very informative article, first I heard of this. Definitely a project to watch. @utopian-io seems to be taking Steem development into overdrive!

first I heard of this

That's because I came up with the idea and name today.

@utopian-io seems to be taking Steem development into overdrive!

I really hope so!

So what I understand we need a Word press plugin developer, who can implement it ? I know someone but he is not here yet, I will try to speak to him and see, if he will be interested.

Exactly, that is what we need. Please ask your friend. We can break the project in smaller bits and he can earn every day by posting on Utopian!

This is definitely a great idea, in the future this blockchain, the community will definitely benefit,, great and nice facts here to carry out for the greater good,,, how i wished blogspot is also an open source.

I think this is an unteresting pilot project to see how Utopian can help to develop brand new software and not just build on existing ones. :)

Well, like the saying goes, it all comes down to one fact,,
"for the greater good"

U are right about not just building on existing ones and bringing out a whole idea by itself on developing new ideas and softwares., great

been waiting for something like this! makes me wanna look into utopian a little deeper. thx @flauwy!

Now I regret erasing my old website. Time to start a new one.

It all has its purpose. ;)

Thank you for the contribution. It has been approved. I hope you will find people that will help you to create this.


Thank you, I hope some people are interested. Sponsored by @utopian-io if they do! :)

Thank you very much for this report! I'm going to bookmark this, as I'm going to need that plugin very soon. So, it's a very useful info to me!

This is awesome. You can monetize your Wordpress but you have to pay premium which I ave no money for, but this way, I can do it for free!

Yes, you can basically create free apps with Utopian. The problem are the developers who are often tied into projects. So we need to bring new developers to Utopian to join us.

I like and enjoyed your post ! Keep publishing interesting and informative articles.
If you wish, you can check my posts @mike26

great idea

Thanx for sharing this Important Update!!

It is only an idea for now. Maybe someone with skills comes along and programs this thing.

Steem Wordpress plugin would be huge enter into blogosphere world!

Yes, I think so too. You could create really cool websites super easy.

I would like to let you know, that I just pre-released (SteemTools on Steroids)

Your project is not listed yet, but you can add your projects on your own:

Please read here a tutorial how to do that:

Really, please read it, there is a lot of information there about "why" not only "how" ;)

This is a brilliant project hub and absolutely neccessary! I will check this out more tomorrow but I am already hooked.

Any updates with this? I am building an event & accommodation social platform and our MVP is on WordPress. I'd like to integrate Steem tags with the default WP tagging functionality (or something equivalent).

I am looking for information to send to my developers.