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RE: [steeditor] Tags should not allow special characters except for single -

in #utopian-io6 years ago

Hi @mightypanda, thanks for submitting this report.

This is reproducible, although there is no place where it is stated that special characters should be disallowed in tags.

Having that in mind, this is a feature that was missed. There is no code to show this was implememented per say, and then worked wrong.

However, we can agree that he not implementing this validation led to the broadcast error.


  1. The steps, the expected and actual behavior contained sufficient information.
  2. The proposed fix should be more informative. Peruse the code a little, show what need to be added and where it ought to be added. Though in this case, there is no faulty code that needs to be replaced. Rather a validation is implemented.

I look forward to your next contribution.

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Thanks for the review