Hey, great post.
to 100 and 2 active auths (each 50). But when I try to send a signed transaction, I get a I tried to set up multisig account (https://hiveblocks.com/tx/180a74d1454d3ceb9388b6d484737ddb9660b20f) and I have set Missing Active Authority
Update: It seems error was with dHive, transaction was succesful with Hive-js.
Glad it helped ! What was the error with dhive ?
It was due to missing
in config.Once I changed
const client = new dhive.Client(process.env.HIVE_NODES.split(','))
const client = new dhive.Client(process.env.HIVE_NODES.split(','), { chainId: '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', })
it worked!
I'm not sure but using Hive-js multisig with both key at the same time worked without a problem while signing transaction separately (with both dHive and Hive-js) failed with
Missing Active Authority
.Even when threshold is 2 and there are 3 signatures (each with 1 weight), it will still fail.