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RE: Steemautomated: 0.0.4 - Trailing Has Been Enabled + Several Minor Upgrades

in #utopian-io6 years ago (edited)

Every block a unique list of accounts that are being trailed are fetched from the server. They are filtered in case the user has not entered the name correctly.

I recommend a validation check before adding trail-ed accounts to the database. A simple get_account call on that step may check the validity of the username..

def is_already_voted(self, voter, author, permlink):

You're hiding the exception here with a broad Exception catch. (Good read about this subject)

Edit: You already mentioned that yourself in the post, just saw it, now.

I would at least log it somewhere. :)

And a humble implementation suggestion with list comprehensions:

def is_already_voted(voter, author, permlink):
        identifier = f"@{author}/{permlink}"
        post = Post(identifier, self.steem)
        return voter in [v["voter"] for v in p["active_votes"]]
    except Exception as error:
        return False

the mysql and client access details are now defined outside of the constructer.

Since you have mySQL credentials, steemconnect credentials, etc. I would like to see a config file stores these kind of things.

Also, on errors while voting, a retry mechanism may workaround some issues. (Ex: Retry to vote 3 times if any error happens with a 3 seconds sleep cycle.)

This will block the main process so it will require threading, though.

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Thanks for the great feedback, I will look into incorporating it into the next update.

Hey @emrebeyler
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