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RE: Announcing - An Open Source Website for the Open Source Research Blockchain

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)

Oh wait, you are talking about Gridcoin instead of my own research! My bad. There are hundreds of papers and research outputs made through BOINC, which is the research platform Gridcoin is built to reward. BOINC has existed for about 2 decades already, and is 100% functional. Here is an exhaustive list of publications.

Some key achievements:

  • Did the numerical analysis to prove that the Milky Way is corrugated instead of flat
  • Identitifed numerous new cancer markers
  • Decoded WWII Enigma messages that remained unbroken
  • Continues to develop numerous new drugs
  • Is working on a Zika vaccine
  • and a LOT more.

new pulsar near the galactic core in 2011 and got published for itfound a new super prime.The coolest thing is that users are told what they discovered, and recognised for their contributions. For example, @vortac found a . @deltik recently


Above is a great snapshot that should be sent out as a press release to promote Gridcoin and this new awesome website.