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RE: Arabic Translation of FreeCAD (Part 9) (738 words) + Glad to be back

in #utopian-io6 years ago (edited)

This project as I mentioned on many occasions, this project is quite unique and will require a special care from the translator. Most of the strings in this project are functional strings that need a deep understanding of the software to translate them very accurately, which is the thing that all translators should do in all project. I will try to go through all the unsolved issues, and in the end, I will give you a simple and clear list that you can follow if you want to enhance your performance on this project. There are many misconceptions that are going on, thus, I will try to be as clear as possible.

While I was really happy that utopian did give the freedom to the translator about the aesthetics of the presentation, there are a few things that you need to avoid, and other things that you need to provide in your future contributions. Utopian is playing on presenting something professional to the readers, and the contributions should to some extent reflect a certain level of dedication by the translator, aesthetically and intellectually. That being said, here are a few notes concerning the presentation of your contribution:

  • You need to use formal English in your presentation or at least try to.
  • You need present a professional presentation and avoid useless expression such us (Holy *** 😁😁😁) because this does not bring any value to the presentation. You are free to add more content as long as the content falls under a certain level of decency. You can do everything that can make the reading more enjoyable and fun but the latter needs to be respected.
  • The biggest issue with the presentation is the lack of information about the strings that you translated, less information can be tolerated to some extent on projects that can be considered as easy to tackle such as e-commerce projects, but in this project, adding more information about what you did, and why did you use a specific words is mandatory. Presenting something like “الأنماط المظللة للمسودات القياسية” will definitely deserve an entry in the presentation to show us its meaning, and different researchs that you did to find a solution to it. I already left a few information about this issue to one translator, thus, I will just quote the text for you:(1)

If you read the guidelines you will find this entry:

Submissions must include extensive detail to allow for the proofing of the translation, and list the tools used to manage translation work (when applicable).

One of the main reasons we always ask the translators to provide more information in their presentations is to justify why they translated some strings in a specific way. In the current contribution, you translated many concepts that do not exist in the Arabic language, you made many choices to use a few specific words, but I can’t see anything in the presentation that can justify those choices. I had to do a lot of research to see if those choices were correct and coherent. There are a lot of ambiguous strings, terms, words, concepts that needed a clear explanation to justify their use, but unfortunately, the presentation does not reflect that. Unless you can provide more information about your work, the strings will appear just like random words, translating a string means that you understand its function and purpose, if otherwise, the string you translated will be like translating word to word without a real understanding. To conclude, make sure to add extensive information about your work, and the use of the Arabic counterpart should be reasonably justified, this is what we should do as translators, and the current project will for sure need a special care.

As for the translation, I will try to categorize the information just so you can clearly understand the issues. There are issues that are related to the previous contributions and the current one that I will try to explain as follows:

I would like to achieve a consensus about this issue because it disturbs me every time and I'm open for any suggestions or possible solutions instead of throwing me under the bus.

  • The reality is that you are throwing yourself under the bus. Despite the previous issues and the many suggestions that I provided in your last contribution, we are again at point zero. The solutions that I suggested for the different words can be found in your last contribution. But you decided to post a new contribution without checking with any of the moderators, you are soloing the translation and this is not going to work. You also need to understand that the burden of doing the research fall on the shoulders of the translator, not the language moderator. It took me hours to formulate and write my feedback in your last contribution, you can at least spare 5 minutes to read all of it, I had to rework many strings that I will list below just because you did not want for some reason to follow my suggestions, or at least get in touch with one of the LMs.

For the main issue, print every time there is an ambiguity the source word inside parentheses(With retroactive effect). This is the only (low-cost) way to deal with this problem for now.(2)

  • You were inactive for more than a month, for a personal reason as I can see, the least of what you could have done is to contact and speak with your team to know if there are new things that you should consider.

Although, this part only contains the word 'Object' so its match would be 'عنصر'

  • This is quite detrimental for the project in a sense that any translation provided should respect the overall coherence of the whole project. In the current contribution we have (object) and (element).

  • The potential solutions should not be improvised, issues should be discussed before you post a contribution, if you did get in touch with your team and asked for guidance before posting this contribution, many issues could have been easily avoided.

  • The strings implemented with the already suggested solution are:

The second part of the issues will only present a few problems, suggestions, reformulations that are unique to this contribution minus the above strings, I will try to list them for better visibility. I will also add a small explanation when applicable.

Finally, here is a list of things that can summarize all the issues and things that you need do, to greatly improve your performance and the quality of your future contribution:
  1. Provide extensive information about your work in the presentation. The post needs to be more engaging and provides a decent level of formality.
  2. You are free to modify the architecture of your contribution, or make the reading more enjoyable, as long as there is a certain level of decency and common sense.
  3. In the translation overview section, focus first in providing key information about your work, terms and concepts justification, issues, links, and so forth.
  4. Trivial information can always serve the presentation, for the post is not only meant to be read by the language moderator. Aim to present something that may interest lambda users and projects owners at the same time.
  5. Previous suggestions need to be taken into consideration in the future contributions, pay more intention to the comments.
  6. The clear issues and mistake that were pointed out, need to be corrected, you can’t just ignore them and pass to the next contribution.
  7. Major questions that are related to the contribution and translation, should be discussed with the team before posting a contribution that contains those related issues questions.
  8. Understanding the functioning of the software to some extent is really important to deal with the translation.
  9. Mistakes and incoherencies are not tolerated as standards, translating a project with a mindset that a certain amount of mistakes is tolerated is really wrong. All the translator should aim for perfection, despite the time it should take to present a professional work.
  10. Considering that almost none of our team members are professional translators, we are always trying to assist everyone to be better and present a high-quality contribution. Thus, inputs should be taking into consideration to smother the process with time.
  11. Quality means dedication, and dedication means time. A translator myself, I always aim to minimize the interventions of LM as much as possible, to make the work easier for him, and to present a genuine contribution. After rechecking everything, and doing the proper research, it can take up to 15 days to write one contribution, and maybe a little less after I find the solutions to all the issues that I faced.
  12. More dedications will also allow you to understand the project even better with time, thus, easier to work on.
  13. You need to see your project as a construction site that needs to be managed. You need to take care of every aspect of the construction, it is your main responsibility. Our assistance aims to make the work less tedious and of high quality, this is why you are welcome to discuss anything with your team, as long as the subject is about the betterment of our work.

Thank you for your contribution @ismailkah



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Thank you for your review, @dr-frankenstein! Keep up the good work!