Wow, that is certainly a massive update. Or is it a massive 1Update? In any case, it was informative and featured good use of graphics. It's great to see you back up and running after HF20, and I'm sure you'll be going upwards and onwards.
The post did have some issues of style and grammar. Fixing those and similar in the future will make these posts even better. I can provide examples of the issues in a follow-up comment if you wish.
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Thanks for the review @didic. From now on they will be 1UPdates!
I'd appreciate some feedback on the style and grammar - thanks very much.
I'm always happy when people ask for examples of the issues in their posts, as I feel it will help them improve.
That "already" is redundant.
This would be best as two sentences. If you have to keep it to one, there should be a comma before "and."
"Put your creative hat on."
This should be cut to two sentences at the very least.
Split it, add commas. Something. I ran out of breath reading this sentence.
These are just examples. This is a very long post, and I'm not gonna go through and point out every issue. None of these are terrible deal breakers, but in the aggregate, they have a cumulative effect on ease of reading.
I agree with you. Short sentences are better. When I write on Wordpress, I have a plugin that reminds me to keep them short for SEO and readability purposes.
Thanks for the feedback!
Thank you for your review, @didic!
So far this week you've reviewed 10 contributions. Keep up the good work!