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RE: New Utopian Bot update + Bots list + Call to bot developers

in #utopian-io7 years ago

Hay ho @stoodkev :) Thanks for the update!

Yes, she is very jealous, you will currently lose around one percent of the Utopian Bot upvote for each of those accounts that would have voted you

I already asked elear what possibilities I, as a user, have to protect my posts against bot votes ... The answer is "none" for sure. I personally never joined a bot or voting program myself, but get 2-3 bot votes anyway.

Hope you can solve this problem if the impact of bot votes is really that huge.


It's only 1% now, but 1% is actually huge given the bot's SP. I want to work on a solution that differentiates the different kinds of bots but I have already several tasks at end so I can't promise it will come anytime soon.