DLearn - Education, Decentralized...
Quality of education is a major contributing factor in terms of not only an individual's upward mobility, but more importantly, on the equitable advancement of society as a whole. Unfortunately, the quality of the education that children (and adults) receive is often limited by their location and/or their access to resources. Our mission is to improve the quality of education that is free and readily available by building a platform where teachers/content creators are rewarded for producing quality educational content using STEEM's Proof-of-Brain protocol.
Our Mission
DLearn aims to change the world through education by creating a platform in which educators are incentivized to teach, at no cost to the student, in order to remove barriers to upward mobility by making quality education accessible to everyone.
Our Vision
We believe that education is the key to solving many of the worlds problems, specifically the uneven distribution of wealth, which is perpetuated for generations because the quality of the instruction that a student receives is relative to their location and their ability to afford a superior education. We plan to not only have courses hosted online, but to also have physical courses and eventually be able to provide chromebooks/laptops to students who show consistency.
Who I Am
DeBray Carpenter
( @debraycodes ) - Founder & Software Engineer
Being born and raised in San Francisco's impoverished Bayview/Hunter's Point district helped me to understand the significance of education as well as the fact that schools ARE NOT all created equal. Becoming a Full-Stack Software / Blockchain Engineer specializing in Node.js / JavaScript applications gave me a new way of thinking about and addressing problems. With this new insight, I pondered how my knowledge and skills could be used to solve this disparity in education. DLearn is an attempt to solve that very problem as it exacerbates the uneven distribution of wealth, limiting people/families into their relative social classes. I recently landed a job teaching JavaScript to inner-city youth from San Francisco at a program where the funds are limited and come solely from the government. My initial aim was to find a community of people (developers, bloggers, educators and students) who would be willing to help to make the program more sustainable. While thinking about how to do so, I decided that it would be better to create a program from scratch with less overhead and to DECENTRALIZE IT!
DTubeDSound, I decided to name the app DLearn.Inspired by @heimindanger 's app and @prc 's
I am really excited about the potential of this app to change lives and I hope that the community can come behind this effort as they have so many others...
Thank You for your time and consideration,
DeBray Carpenter ( @debraycodes )
Posted on Utopian.io - Rewarding Open Source Contributors
Your contribution cannot be approved yet, because it is in the wrong category. This seems to be a project announcement and not devecopment (read: coding) on an open source project. The repository you linked is just a skeleton for now, so while I am looking forward to this project taking form, at this stage I cannot approve it as a development contribution. See the Utopian Rules. Please edit your post to use the right category at this link, as shown below:

You can contact us on Discord.
I don't see an option for project announcement...

That is because utopian-io generally does not feature project announcements. We have task requests and suggestions, but they serve different purposes.
I'd suggested you a category if there would be a fitting one.
Please read the rules and criteria for submission, there are many examples and guidelines for what to submit to utopian-io.
The project is currently in development, so I thought it would be a fitting category... Check the repo... I was trying to raise awareness about the project as I bring it into fruition possibly with the help of other devs on this platform, but right now it's only me... Sorry if I jumped the gun...
I understand, just that it is no utopian contribution per se. A development contribution is you having build something and showing it, not you planning to build something :)
I just recorded my latest vlog talking about an education platform based on Steem. My approach is more specific for memory techniques. Education is really the next step for Steem!
Great minds think alike! Thanks for the support & I will check out your vlog ASAP!
I would be pleased to teach on DLearn
I would love to have you on the platform, it's currently in development... Definitely appreciate your support... Let's educate the masses... on the platform!!
Only the beginning...super dope idea I can't wait to see it come into fruition! I can see how this will be beneficial to not only teachers, but to homeschooling parents/collectives who dont receive an educational budget. This will allow them to make their curriculum/lesson plans accessible to other parents/collectives while being compensated at the same time, I love it!
Why don't you get in touch with the developer(s) of DSound? With their tool, teachers could give free lessons using audio only. Then at a later stage, other features could be added ...