What is SteemitEva?
This projects helps everyone on Steemit to evaluate their challenges and draws. Within countable clicks the user of SteemitEva can see the preferred data. The tool considers upvotes, comments and resteems of posts and comments till now. The features being developed at the moment, will include multiple choices. So the user can get the amount of comments other users did to a post, which were also upvoted by them. The idea is based on a request of @detlev, who wanted to use a tool to evaluate his #BeerSaturday challenge.

Behind the scenes
The tool is based on the JavaScript API of Steemit. Additionally Bootstrap and some self-written CSS are used to style the UI. The tool bootstrap-table helps by formatting the output and adding functions like sorting and exporting the table into Excel, XML, CVS and so on.
What's up next?
Next the tool should get the comments and resteems of users which upvoted the post/comment. Of course those additional data will be connected to each other. This produced the following tree view of the combined data:

The first version of SteemitEva can be used on this site: http://steemiteva.cteipen.de
Here is the link to the GitHub-Project: CTeipen/SteemitEva
Who am i and how you can get in contact with me?
I'm a 24 year old programmer from Germany. While working daytime for a insurance company, i program for fun in my spare time. You can contact me via Steemit or the D-A-CH Discord server.
Thank you for your attention,
PS: Errors on grammar are used as a stilistic method and were deliberately placed by the author. :-D
Posted on Utopian.io - Rewarding Open Source Contributors
Thank you for the contribution. It has been approved.
You can contact us on Discord.
Hey @cuby I am @utopian-io. I have just upvoted you!
Community-Driven Witness!
I am the first and only Steem Community-Driven Witness. Participate on Discord. Lets GROW TOGETHER!
Up-vote this comment to grow my power and help Open Source contributions like this one. Want to chat? Join me on Discord https://discord.gg/Pc8HG9x
@cuby, Upvote for supporting you.
Thank you :)
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The readme file should be informative for users.
Hi, ich kenne dein Eingangsposting unter dem Tag Deutsch, aber die offizielen Regeln besagen, dass man die hier abgegebe Arbeit und den GitHub-Account zuordnen muss. Du hast unterschiedliche Namen hier und auf GitHub. Daher wäre es noch zusätzlich ratsam wenn du im GitHub-Profil (Link oder Profilbeschreibung) den Steemit-Namen notieren könntest.
Danke für die Hinweise. Ich passe die genannten Punkte an und kommentiere dann deinen Kommentar nochmal. Ist das in Ordnung?
Ja, das geht in Ordnung.
Habe alles angepasst. Ist das jetzt konform nach den Richtlinien? Entschuldige, falls ich nerve. Ist mein erstes Utopian-Projekt. :)
Ja, jetzt ist es gut. Und bei den nächsten Beiträgen immer direkt im Text auf die Repo und die einzelnen Commits verlinken. Das erleichtert den Mods die Arbeit.
Ich werde es beherzigen. Vielen Dank!