Proofreading SteemConnect: Feedback for Translating Eng- Spanish

I found to be a proper way to use some of my time for learning how to participate in OpenSource translations. As a professional translation, I am shocked when reading some translations.
I actually didn’t know what to do, where to start. I still feel like I don’t. But I do know I want to help in Open Source projects. It’s like giving back...

So I found a post by @nehomar in the list of contributions: He said he translated it and proofread it… So I thought I could see it just to lean how things are done.

I understand rules require posting here the text, I would rather use this space to make some comments for any future Spanish translators. I am nobody but a B.A. professional translator, among many other translators, still I hope this feedback can be of any help:I really appreciate @nehomar’s or any other individual’s translations, namely considering it is open, free, and altruistic. But it was indeed not a good translation (not a really bad though). So I decided to proofread it myself.

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Introduzca una dirección de correo válida @nehomar: @cryptotranslate:

  • We never write “Por favor” in Spanish instructions. We just tell people to do things. Things are read to be followed, not to be requested to follow them.
  • If you are using second person “tú”, stick to it and don’t change it to “usted”. Still, I do believe we should use “usted.”

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Administre su cuenta @nehomar: @cryptotranslate:

  • We should check if the sentence should be on infinitive or imperative. Infinitive is not a wild card when we can’t tell.
  • English uses uppercases for nouns on titles and for many other things. In Spanish, we don’t! Only the first letter of the first word in a title is to be uppercase, exception being a word that is to be used regularly with initial uppercase, such as the name of a country, a title, a proper name, etc.

SteemConnect is just getting started. Enter your email to get early access to project updates and SteemConnect itself!
SteemConnect apenas empieza.¡Ingresa tu correo electrónico para obtener acceso anticipado a actualizaciones y noticias de proyectos!
SteemConnect apenas empieza. Introduzca su correo electrónico para ser de los primeros en acceder a actualizaciones de proyectos y al mismo SteemConnect. @nehomar: @cryptotranslate.

  • We rarely use exclamation mark in Spanish. Only when we really want to jell and shake the person. In English you can even see it many times on the same sentence. In Spanish it would be more appropriate to use the exclamation for “SteemConnect apenas empieza.” than the second second sentence, still not needed.
  • I suppose you noticed as well “SteemConnect itself” is not translated by @nehomar. This happens frequently, and that’s why in the translation process there should be a second individual that checks the translation and a third one that reads it.

SteemConnect gives you full access to the Steem ecosystem without giving up your private keys. That’s right, never risk a malicious or incompetent 3rd party app getting your private keys again. SteemConnect acts as the identity layer in between that enables participation without vulnerability.
SteemConnect te da acceso completo al ecosistema de Steem, sin revelar tus claves privadas. Nunca más arriesgues tus claves privadas a ineficientes o malintencionadas aplicaciones de terceros. SteemConnect actúa como una capa de identidad, que te permite la participación sin vulnerabilidades.
SteemConnect le da acceso completo al ecosistema de Steem, sin revelar sus claves privadas. ¡Así como lo ha leído! Olvísede del riesgo de que su clave privada caiga en manos de una aplicación de terceros que sea maliciosa e ineficiente. SteemConnect actúa como una capa de identidad intermedia que le permite participar sin que se ponga en una situación de vulnerabilidad. @nehomar: @cryptotranslate.

  • Indeed, I used exclamation mark for “así como lo ha leído”. That is a sentence that really needs it, and I hope you can tell the difference.
  • We don’t’ say “ariesgar algo a alguien”. It makes no sense, That’s not Spanish. This sort of things could happen when dealing with different languages: mixing things. Reading back from the top helps most of the times.
  • Something is wrong with “participación sin vulnerabilidades." It sounds like TV translation.

If you see so many suggestions, it because I deleted "tú" suggestions and created "usted" suggestions.

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors


I just reviewed the translation, all strings, and checked/corrected it completely. (Just in case you was right in something) 😄

I could not approve (I have proofreader permissions of the project) many of your suggestions because I decided to keep the "tuteo" (this is basically impossible to understand for an english speaker), but I did improve the translation using part of your suggestions. 👍

Good look in your journey in (Not sure if this post is going to be approved, I am writing this on Steemit)

(To be a "professional translator" your english is a little, you know... not going to extend) 😅

I know what you mean about using . I was translating using since you had it on your translation. But then I realized it was not a decision you had made, otherwise you would not have used usted as well. And there is nothing to dislike about usted. Indeed, the documents I translate only use for children.

Analyzing a little the difference in this matter
When we talk, we use . As for usted, some years ago we would never use when talking to older people (And this still holds true for many people). Internet has made us write what we say, and we fail to pay attention to a great deal of things. Furthermore, many pages try to be more friendly and use : "Inicia sesión," "Regístrate," and "Haz click aquí" become commonplace (So wrong considering it's "clic" in Spanish, not click). You can also blame it on marketing!

But the fact that many people do something does not mean it's right. I believe SteemIt and SteemConnect are pages that should convey respect; therefore, usted. Usted does not only mean "I respect you," it also means "Respect me" - Otherwise Steemcleaners will hunt you to oblivion. 😄
"Respect me" because I am not a seller, I'm an institution: I won't take your money. Trust me because I deserve to be trusted, not because I want to be your friend and earn your trust using kind words. Microsoft usted "usted" (check Office 2007); and they have changed things into "tú" (Windows 10). I just feel they want Cortana and Microsoft to be my friends: They won't!

If you still want to use , I still believe you are entitled to make that choice.

My English is a little... haha. I know. I hardly ever write using English (And I would only translate a very specific type of documents into English). I was going to write in Spanish. But it didn't feel right. I felt English was more appropriate... And I also thought I should be a more active user of English.

So many years translating only into Spanish... Well, you know.

Steem, and all the world of crypocurrencies, are revolutionary, created to be exactly the opposite of traditional way to do things. Using "tú" makes it personal and modern.

.. and older people don't want to be called as "Usted", you know it when you are old, or starting to be one.

Well, that's your point of view. And I know it is not only yours - many many many people would agree. Current trend is "tú." I wonder if that would change eventually.

Older people don't want to be called as "Usted" when it's a friend, a family friend, or even an acquaintance. It is certainly shocking when a girl on her 20s says: "Señor, ¿qué hora tiene?" However, it is OK. "Disculpe, ¿qué hora tiene?"

And not only older perople, but even teenagers would be pleased when hearing: "¿A dónde quiere que le lleve?" or "¿Qué gusta ordenar?"

Te doy la bienvenida a Steemit, @cryptotranslate

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