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RE: Byteball.js: The JavaScript library for Byteball is out!

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)

Thanks for your reply! I don't have a key for @sisilafamille. Probably only you know it :) As you know (probably you may have forgotten cause it might be too old days), @sisilafamille has multisig (2 of any @guest123, @hellosteem, and of course you :) and keys for @guest123 and @hellosteem are open in the examples, e.g., steem-js and such. Actually there is a multisig test code using that combination (but not for following function. following is a little bit more trickly since it requires custom_json)

Since it's open in github source, I think it can be used for some testing by anybody, right? Actually many already did. But @sisilafamille's following was the first :)

This is the posting about it. Show me your full vote :) I'm kidding but it'd be good to have your voting. of course need not be a full vote. Sorry it's mainly in Korean. I told people that I'll give some steem if they also make @sisilafamille follow them. One guy already made it :)

You're working in busy, especially on steemconnect, right? I worked at Facebook headquarter before, and that's one reason why I'm more interested in Steemit. Now I'm in academia as an economist. But I was also a SWE before, so these days I'm doing some programming on the steem blockchain as a hobby. @gomdory (it means "bear" in Korean) is such a thing. It's a bot (in kr community) that gives a free vote on comments that would be lost otherwise (i.e., < $0.02) As you know kr is a big community on steemit. but many left (probably due to steem/sbd price). @gomdory is to support people write interesting comments on neighbor's posts. (he only votes when some minimum is already voted and there are many exclusion rules to avoid abusing)


Ho yes, i completely forgot that i've setup multisig on @sisilafamille some time ago. Well done being through multisig signature. And no i'm not working on Busy anymore but still on SteemConnect :).

Thanks a lot for your voting and following :) Sorry for my late reply due to RC shortage after HF20 :( As you may know, @temp is another very interesting account that has no key. So it needs 0 signature :) (my test posting)

But it was very interesting to know that I can actually use it :)I knew @temp was a special account due to my old posting (virtually my only posting in eng)

Hope RC system will be stablized soon. These days comments are much more valuable resource than votings :)