Downloadable Fonts
In last Google I/0 2017 Google announced API which allow programers create app that allows request fonts from the application, instead attaching them inside APK. It is possible from Android 4.0 and higher. We have more than 850 different fonts available in google fonts which we can use.
- fonts are shared across multiple applications so it improves the overall health of the system.
- reduce size of APK
Lets do it!
First of all we have add API support Library 26 or newer one.
implementation ''
Example layout:

Downloadable fonts via XML
Layout Editor -> TextView -> Properties -> fontFamily -> more Fonts

After that we shoud have 3 more files:
- res/font/selected_font_name.xml
Setting our font in XML

Downloadable fonts in entive application

We need to make sure that our AppTheme style is set to application inside

GitHub link:
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