Gimp-Tutorial creates a color grid effect on a photo

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)

tutorial grid color effect with gimp final.jpg

Hello everyone, this time I want to share about editing tutorials.
Gimp Tutorial by creating a colorful checkbox effect on the photo. After about a week is not online because there are problemsedikit, apologize who always visit blogwalking here because I slow to stop behind him. This time I want to make a tutorial that previously I've seen on Photoshop tutorial
, if we already understand with GIMP software we will be easy to capture the actual tutorial for Photoshop and apply it in
.Follow the tutor in short,
1.) Open the image you want to edit, for example like this

tutorial gimp-grig color effect.png

2.) Create a new layer with transparency mode, then on the new layer selectmenu
tutorial gimp-grig color effect2.png

3.) The large size of the box and the color of the line (use white) but but have my black
tutorial gimp-grig color effect3.png

Then it will be like this, the same as the tutorial gimp I ever made
tutorial gimp-grig color effect4.png

4.) Use Fuzzy Select Tool to select the parts of the boxes one by one

tutorial gimp-grig color effect5.png

5.) In this tutorial layers I name it grid on the grid layer and evan-rachel for the object layer

tutorial gimp-grig color effect6.png

6.) Selection On the grid layer by using fuzzy select tool earlier while pressing Shift key on the keyboard to add more sellection as follows,

tutorial gimp-grig color effect71.png

7.) If the part you have selected matches what you want, then move the layer to the object layer (evan-rachel) but still in the selected state, then select the menu

tutorial gimp-grig color effect81.png

8.) Set Lightness to the numbers 100 let it be white,

tutorial gimp-grig color effect91.png

Like this, then select the menu Sellect-None

tutorial gimp-grig color effect101.png

9.) Do the number plate 6,7,8 but by using other colors like this,
tutorial gimp-grig color effect111.png

10.) Because on layer grid I used to use black then now I will put it by click on layer grid then select the menu Colors and sets such as white color on top of it first hopefully useful and good work

tutorial grid color effect with gimp final (1)2.jpg

Just a few tutorials from me, hopefully useful and good work for you all

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